It’s time again people.


Time for the EPICness that is OTGT. It’s time for only the truth about the video game industry.


This time around, VFM gets a chance to talk about a new bill being brought to light and towards the doors of congress. This bill, dubbed Bill S.978, is a purposed law to crack down on those who stream copyrighted content over the internet, dishing out possible jail time to multiple time offenders for up to 5 years in prison. It sounds good in theory. But how should it be interpreted? Does it affect all the other people who don’t willingly infringe on Copyrights?


All of this and more on this segment of OTGT.




Check out some information on Bill S.978 for yourself on the link below.


Bill S.978 —-

By Andre Tipton

I am a 50 year old Gamer/Geek/Otaku who has been gaming and watching anime since the late 1970's. I am a passionate otaku who loves all types of games, anime and comics. I have been writing about games since I was a young man. I am an entertainment retail expert and an avid game collector. You can always find me playing or watching something geek related.