For those of you who know me, I am a HUGE Animal Crossing fan. I have been playing since the release of the GameCube version. So when the Animal Crossing Nintendo Direct on November 2nd was revealed, I was excited. Once the Direct was over, there were still some questions, and since this is the second day after the direct, some of the online Animal Crossing community came up with a list of details not included in the Presentation. Here are a few of them.

Let’s clear up the selling of your town. You have to be Level 4 town to sell it. acnlnook

  • You can sit on rocks
  • New Fortune cookie items (including Wii u and 3DS)
  • You can interact with things in front of you while sitting down
  • MEOW Coupons can be exchanged for 3000 bells each
  • Ability to silence people in Club Tortimer
  • New island minigames
  • Ability to sit on pillows
  • New villagers brought back from older AC games
  • Free weed removal  service if you haven’t been to your town in a while by talking to Leif after returning
  • Nintendo 3DS image share can now be used in-game to upload pictures to Facebook/Twitter
  • Balloons no longer exclusively contain balloon furniture and can now drop any kind of furniture
  • You can now shake trees with a net/watering can/fishing rod equipped
  • Your character’s arms will now match the color of your mii mask
  • You can now interact with furniture items while sitting near them
  • Glitches have been patched
  • Villagers now have extended time on when they will move out varying from 7 – 10 days (more time to convince them otherwise)
  • New fertilizer from Leif can now revive dead trees and bring them back as ordinary fruit trees
  • You can now place furniture on top of stools
  • Timmy/Tommy no longer explain how to use wrapping paper when purchasing
  • New villager animations have been added
  • Cyrus now waves after you pick up a customized item
  • You can now stack fruit while in storage
  • Two tile furniture items can now be placed on tables (you can place masks and plates of food on tables)

Wisp Functionality

  • Wisp appears at a random location and can be found by walking around until you are called by an unknown voice at least a day after the update.
  • Amiibo villagers can be talked to, invited to camp, or invited to live in your town permanently from Wisp
  • Wisp can only grant one wish per day and can only be found once a day, meaning only one character can get Wisp each day unless you Time Travel (adjust the time)
  • If your town is full but you want an amiibo to move in, you can kick out one of your existing villagers by choice
  • You can use amiibo cards to move a villager back in even if they have not cleared the cycle

Happy Home Designer Functions and Designer Tips

  • HHD’s decorating mechanics added once you have the necessary upgrades.
  • Requires house to have a second floor and no unpaid debts before you can build storeroom. After the storeroom is built you can talk to Lottie at Nook’s Homes in order to unlock
  • Clothes can now be hung on walls
  • Storeroom upgrade provides tons of new storage space
  • Special items and furniture can be obtained if you link up save data from HHD from the start menu


MEOW Coupons and  RV contents

  • MEOW coupons, a new currency from doing tasks. Used for purchasing items at the RV park store and furniture inside RVs
  • MEOW coupons can be exchanged for bells at the ATM at a rate of 3,000 bells per coupon
  • Only 3 furniture items can be ordered from campers each day
  • Furniture items can be purchased in RVs from another person’s town, however, it’ll take 5 coupons per item instead of 3
  • Tasks are now displayed on your Town Pass Card along with how many coupons they reward

Amiibo Functionality

  • The following figurines give the following villagers along with their furniture:
    • Toon Link – Medli (normal)
    • Ganondorf – Ganon (cranky)
    • Sheik – Epona (peppy)
    • Zelda/Link/W. Link – W. Link (jock)
    • Callie – Cece (peppy)
    • Marie – Viche (normal)
    • Inkling – Inkwell (jock)
    • Villager – not much information about this one
    • Monster Hunter amiibos – Felyne (lazy)
  • Special villagers such as Wolf Link, Ganon, Medli, Epona, Cece, and Viche can move to your town
  • New amiibo functionality, invite characters to park in a special new area with RVs. Works with all AC Amiibo, the cards, Splatoon, Zelda, and Monster Hunter amiibo.
  • AC figurine amiibos can be scanned to allow them to visit your town in an RV and have furniture available to purchase
  • While they are camping in their RV, Wisp will temporarily replace them in their roles but does not replace their job services
  • Series 1 – 4 amiibo cards give you furniture and the option to move a villager in
  • Amiibo camera that allows you to take Real photos with villagers
  • Amiibo cards of special characters such as Isabelle can be used to get their pictures as well

This is just a partial list of the function in the new update. We will have more news about the update as they are revealed.

By Andre Tipton

I am a 50 year old Gamer/Geek/Otaku who has been gaming and watching anime since the late 1970's. I am a passionate otaku who loves all types of games, anime and comics. I have been writing about games since I was a young man. I am an entertainment retail expert and an avid game collector. You can always find me playing or watching something geek related.