Ever since I first set eyes on this Oasis I knew I wanted to play this game. After seeing game play and then trying out the demo I knew I had found another game to enjoy. Ever Oasis really is such a great game, and is is a game that just shimmers. It has cute characters and even some of it’s villains are cute too. The interactions between the hero and Esna are such a big part of the game., and you feel when your seedling gets hurt and are overjoyed when he is.

Ever Oasis is half Dungeon Crawler and Half Oasis Builder. You need to be working on both parts or your Oasis will decline. As you get deeper into the game you really need to keep working on your Oasis. The dungeon crawling is fun and can be quick paced. You need to fight monsters and change your team on the fly. With different races and weapons you will work to figure things out. You will also learn skills which may or may not help out depending on the situation.

The Oasis is your home and you need to make it great. By working on it you not only gain money but you help out people living in the desert. It is a nice diversion from all the fighting. You can complete quests and get closer to your villagers even if its brief. These characters will offer more quests and soon will sell even more goods. Of course with more goods, you will gain more money.

This game might seem like a lot sometimes, but it is totally worth it. As you travel through dungeons you will gain many items, which will be necessary to sell. It really can seem tedious as you travel back and forth between dungeons and the Oasis. But the developers have made it easy with the inclusion of the Aqua Gates. Using Aqua Gates makes traveling back and forth quite instantaneous. Plus, it makes it easier to save when you need to.

The story really plays into the characters and you can play the game quite easily by simply learning which monsters are weak to which weapons. If you want a game that has both exploration and a little town building then this game really is for you. It might not be the longest game but there is something about this game that makes replaying it an appealing thought. It is simple enough that newbies can get into it but also robust enough to sate true RPG Fan’s and their appetites. You can pick up Ever Oasis at stores or on the Nintendo EShop. The Oasis needs you and your seedling to save the day, don’t let Esna down!