Two things have stood out as key ingredients for a wonderful time in childhood, Comics and Lego. Both are tools of imagination and open the mind up to new possibilities we would not have considered before. This is why, despite many criticizing the Lego Adaptation Games, I love them immensely. They are a great take on the various media they adapt and often serve as a gateway series. The criticisms the games get often end up missing the point of the games. They are not meant to be pure adaptations, but celebrations that merge different methods to tell a tribute story.

Lego Marvel Superheroes 2 continues this tradition of merging different forms of creativity, and gives us a new world to explore that is once again a celebration of all things Marvel Comics. The first thing I must say is that the game is absolutely gorgeous. The visuals are well done and stand out so beautifully, creating a real comic book Lego feeling, which suits the setting perfectly. Lego Marvel Superheroes 2 brings in more characters from both the movies and the comics like Spider-Gwen and even makes some new ones, without giving spoilers, I was surprised to see some unique fusions of other characters.

Lego Marvel Superheroes 2 uses some new abilities, which are tied into the main storyline of the game. This time around, Kang The Conqueror is attacking not just the main universe but several universes and timelines. Taking inspiration from a certain other villain, he is capturing and taking cities  from these locations and merging them into his realm of Chronopolis in order to take over the world. However, this also means many heroes are there to fight back and try and stop him.

Chronopolis is a city of time which gives the player the ability to manipulate time and go to various locations and eras. You can travel to classic locations from the comics, and other media versions of Marvel Comics and this is a real treat for the fans. From going to the Noir universe, to a medieval era, there is something for every Marvel Comics fan here. This is also a great way to introduce younger players to the world of Marvel Comics, and I must say that this would be an excellent game for parents to play with their children. It is a game that will appeal to both generations and players of all kinds.

There is also a four-player competitive super hero battling mode in the game, which enables players to fight each other in battle arenas. This isn’t a main attraction for the game, but it is a great side mode and offers some great replay fun. In general the game has very few flaws, but I do feel that one issue is that the camera feels awkward at times, for me at least. This is not a deal breaker, but the camera, and in fact a few other minor control issues do pop up from time to time, along with an audio issue, but that is a lot more rare. Still, I do know these will be patched soon, and the game is one of the best in terms of design, but this is still something I have to mention.

Overall, I feel Lego Marvel Super Heroes 2 is one of the best Lego adaptation games ever done. It is a loving tribute to everything Marvel Comics, while also bringing some new ideas to the games overall. If you are a comic fan, or a parent of a young child, this is a must play. For those who just want a fun game, this is also a good choice to consider.






Disclaimer: A review key was provided by the publisher.