In something that took everyone by surprise, the company Ocean Media has been under internet fire lately. The main reason for the combined attack from many outlets is because of a VERY poor decision made by an employee Ocean Marketing, the company who was behind the creation of The Avenger game controller. In what seemed like probably the most ridiculous choice made by someone in the work environment, Paul Christoforo decided to verbally attack a customer of Ocean Marketing’s website.

Known now only as Dave, Dave wanted to inquire on the status of his order for 2 Playstation 3 controllers from their website, with hopes of it arriving before or on Christmas day. When he received a few lackluster responses from Paul, who at the time was responding to Dave’s emails to the company, Dave began to explain his displeasure of the treatment he was getting from Ocean Marketing’s service. To which Paul decided to aggressively respond back to Dave with less then stellar treatment from a company employee.



Having felt insulted and appalled at the response, Dave responded back expressing his anger, demanding he receive the product which he paid for WAY in advanced. Paul had then responded with another aggressive email, almost along the lines of bragging about people he, and/or the company, knew within the game industry, including dropping names like Kotaku, IGN, and PAX. Dave, after recieving the email response, sent over the email chain to Mike Krahulik, the man who runs PAX and the Penny Arcade website. It was at this point the whole situation got as low as it possibly could, to which Paul had continued to go back and forth with Mike on various topics, all leading to Mike posting the craziness on the Penny Arcade website.


After the post went live, Ocean Marketing started receiving huge backlash for the remainder of December 27th. Places like Twitter, Youtube, and even the Ocean Marketing website felt the power of many angry people from the internet. It had even gotten to a point to where not only were multiple Twitter accounts were made from the fallout, but at some point, it was made public that Paul Christoforo was let go from Ocean Marketing.


The whole situation is crazy in of itself. This is a prime example of what NOT TO DO to your customers in any field that you work in. Sometimes, a little common sense can go a very long way, and save you a very big internet flaming headache.


Read the original post from the Penny Arcade Website —









By Andre Tipton

I am a 50 year old Gamer/Geek/Otaku who has been gaming and watching anime since the late 1970's. I am a passionate otaku who loves all types of games, anime and comics. I have been writing about games since I was a young man. I am an entertainment retail expert and an avid game collector. You can always find me playing or watching something geek related.