
The Wii U gamepad has not been used as well as it could have been in its lifespan. Let’s get that out of the way before we go any further. When games that use the gamepad well come out, special mention is merited to celebrate this.

Rorrim on Wii U makes use of the gamepad in a very interesting way. Imagine two worlds mirrored to each other and one can be viewed on the TV screen and one on the gamepad. This may seem confusing and it is at first, but you can quickly catch on to what you are supposed to do and how to handle things.

Rorrim is a puzzle game that uses both screens to navigate travelling through dungeons, with the dungeon on the screen being mirrored onto the gamepad. You must navigate through both worlds at once and this can be difficult when you factor in obstacles and traps.  This is a thinking person’s game and each move you make ends up requiring a lot of thought being put into it. The wrong move made on one screen can cause problems for you on the other. This is a unique gameplay style and I appreciate the work put into this by the developers.

The music in the game is great and while it isn’t anything that stands out in a major way, it is still good music and can be appreciated by anyone. The art style is also good but does lose something due to the usage of two screens. Its not a deal breaker but it is something that is noticeable to me. Maybe others will see it differently though, and I admit I could be wrong.

Do I think you should buy this game? I think it is definitely worth checking out. It is a good puzzle game with a unique gameplay bent and that is always worth looking into. The game uses the gamepad better than many games from Nintendo and that alone gets praise from me.