To this day, I still absolutely adore Sims 3. Even though I want nothing to do with the 4th installment, I still love to play the third, especially while utilizing all of the expansions that have come out for it. Here is my list of the best expansions to date:
11.) Generations 
Though this expansion isn’t “hit you over the head” with new stuff, it does have some subtle changes to the game play that are interesting. Teens and children have a lot more interactions than before. There is a new profession: day care. Adults can even send their kids off to boarding school. However, with only some slight changes and no new town, this is probably my least favorite expansion.
10.) Seasons 
This is another expansion that isn’t as good as the rest. It gives Sims 3 weather, which sounds like it would be cool, but it gets a bit old after awhile. Sims can go to festivals that change depending on the season. There are also some outdoor activities that are added, including snowboarding and soccer. Sims get to swim in the ocean (though correct me if I’m wrong, but I thought that was a complete game update…maybe I’m wrong on that one) and aliens are another life form added to the game. Overall, it’s a little weak for an expansion.
9.) Showtime 
This is definitely the expansion for people who love the “L.A./Hollywood” lifestyle. There is a new town, Starlight Shores, that has a Hollywood vibe to it. There are new careers that are more performances based: singer, acrobat, magician. A new life form was created for this expansion as well: genies. I could take them or leave them, though. Simport was also introduced with this one. However, I have never used it (and am VERY glad that EA is not forcing social play in Sims 4). Some new venues were introduced in this one as well, including coffeehouses, live show venues, and private show venues, though these are not my favorite. I’ve found that this town is a bit glitchy to play in as well.
8.) Supernatural 
This expansion allows for a variety of different types of Sims, including vampires, witches, zombies, werewolves, ghosts, fairies, and genies. Although I never really cared for the supernatural types, the town of Moonlight Falls is one of the more stable towns to play in and some of the architecture features and styles of furniture are really cool. There is a new skill, alchemy, that goes well with the supernatural theme.
7.) Into the Future 
As the last expansion of Sims 3, this was unfortunately not the best. It’s an interesting concept: you can take your Sims back and forth to the future and back to the present as much as you’d like. In the future, there are a lot of high tech gadgets, including jetpacks, hover boards, and other futuristic things. There are a couple new careers: astronomy and bot arena. Actions in the present can change the future. Oasis Landing, the new town, is pretty cool, though I found myself wanting to stay in the present more than the future (the bot people can be really annoying). Overall, I thought it was okay, but it is not my favorite.
6.) World Adventures 
This was the first expansion for Sims 3, and it allowed some really cool travel options. Players could choose to travel to three different places: China, Egypt, and France. Besides seeing the sights, tomb raiding is an option for the adventurous Sim. The more activities a player did with their Sim, the longer the visa level for the particular place. World Adventures also opens out three new skill possibilities: martial arts, photography, and nectar-making. Overall, this expansion was a great because it allowed the player to get out of town for a bit.
5.) Ambitions 
Along with the new town of Twinbrook, Ambitions allowed the player to expand into many different professions, including being a firefighter, stylist, ghost hunter, architect, or private investigator. These professions are different from regular Sim careers because you go out on “jobs” instead of working normal hours. Also, this expansion allows for becoming “self-employed” in most skills. Two new skills were added: sculpting and inventing.
4.) University Life 
Finally! Sims 3 got the ability to send Sims off to college. One of the last expansions done for the game, University Life allows Sims to go off to college and pursue a degree. A lot like World Adventures, where a Sim travels to Sims University but does not permanently life there, this expansion has plenty going on. Sims can pursue degrees, join cliques, and drink from “juice kegs.” There are a few new careers, depending on a Sims degree and clique association. There are apparently Plant Sims that players can get to, though I’ve never tried this. New skills include: Science, street art, and social networking. Overall, this is a very good addition.
3.) Island Paradise 
This is a very good expansion, and it contains that town that I am currently using (Isla Paradiso). The town is a really cool set of islands and has a really interesting feel to it. There is a new life form: mermaids. Also, boating and scuba diving have been added, which I have really enjoyed. Being a resort manager is the new profession, though it’s not like a normal profession for the Sims (you can still hold down another job, if you want). With lots of water sports, a cool new town (that is pretty stable for the most part), and an interesting feel to the town this is one of my favorite expansions.
2.) Pets 
One of the better expansions to date, Pets allows players to own different types of animals, including cats, dogs, horses, and smaller rodents, birds, and snakes. A new town, Appaloosa Plains, is given. It’s a very western-themed town, but I’ve found it a bit glitchy to play in. Sims can train their horses and the new riding skill is offered. However, for people who don’t like pets, this expansion could be a miss. But I love pets, so this expansion is more of my favorites.
1.) Late Night 
This is definitely my favorite out of all of the expansions. Besides giving the player the new city of Bridgeport, which has a cool “big city” feel to it, the expansion also introduces a lot of cool social aspects. Clubs, bars, and a new celebrity system add a new dimension to playing. Sims can also live in high-rise buildings with elevators and join the acting career. This was also the first expansion to add a different type of Sim other than “human.” Vampires came with this particular expansion and made things interesting to the game play. Overall, it’s a very slick expansion. And the city is very stable to play in, which is definitely a plus.