In a recent interview with Automoton, Takayuki Kawasaki of Epic Games Japan, revealed that there are currently 20 Unreal Engine 4 games being developed for the Switch.

Kawasaki also said that there may be “even more” in development now and added that there was progress being made on adding Switch support for the free version of Unreal Engine 4.

His comments included the following

“Unfortunately, there were not any Unreal Engine titles at launch, but in late March, Snake Pass, which was one of the titles playable at GDC, launched in America and Europe, and at the Nintendo Switch Presentation, there were titles such as Shin Megami Tensei. In Japan, there are about 20 titles being developed that use Unreal Engine, so I think that they’ll be announced gradually from here on.”

This is great news for the Switch. Now what could those games be?
