20XX, a rougelike platformer that acts as a spiritual sequel to the Mega Manx X series, was released on Steam a little while back. In our review, we praised the game and noted that it did a good job as a tribute to Mega Man X, while having two playable characters and forging its onw identity.

Now however, a new character has entered the fray.



While the two regular characters, Nina and Ace, are based on, and play like X and Zero, this new character Hawk is different.  Hawk has a playstyle that is instead based on special weapons,  and she can find unique special weapons in the places that would normally give Nina and Ace alternate primary weapons. There is also a whip that can drain weapon energy from enemies.  Hawk is for players who want more of a challenge and offers some great variation in terms of gameplay.

Will you be checking this out? Let us know!

Hawk costs $3 in the USA.
