Rockets Rockets Rockets is a simple yet fun game to play. The premise of the game is to simply fly rockets around and destroy enemies. The enemies can either be controlled by the computer or in multiplayer. While the game itself is very simple it is probably one of the better multiplayer games I’ve played in recent years.

RRR has the player flying through a black world with pops of color abound. The game is super colorful in fact and looks great. Players first choose their rocket from an assortment of ships. These ships all have slightly odd names but they work with what the game is offering.

The game itself is a fluid one, showing off the ease of space travel when the player has a big booster. It is often so effortless to move that players may need to be careful where they are steering their ship.

Players can even control four ships at once and fly around the world. This is really only a cool feature because of the light trails that fly off the rocket as it flies about. It’s magnificent drawing in the cosmos and with four rockets, it is literally four times the fun.

The game offers different game ideas too based on how many people or computers are playing. It is nice to see a game go a little bit beyond to give player’s more things to do in a game. This game has a few standard modes that branch off into more fun if players are willing to think out of the box.

Players can face off in the quick mode which is the standard mode in the game. This mode can be played with up to four players or players and computers. Players can even face three computers if they are sure they are feeling up to. This mode allows for players to have fun destroying each other.

Zen mode is definitely my favorite part of this game. As players fly around space they leave a colorful trail and in this mode players use this trail to draw and have fun. It is extremely calming to fly about space and color, especially when controlling four rockets at the same time. There is so much space to fly around that it is just too fun. It is also very calming as even if there are computer players they won’t attack. It is just a peaceful mode to unwind and relax and I think more games should adopt this idea.

Rockets Rockets Rockets also has a tournament mode. In this mode, players can set up tournaments and see who is the best Rocketeer. It is great to set up teams and watch them eventually face each other at the end. I think Tournament modes are always fun because things can turn out in a variety of ways.

Rocket Rockets Rockets is a super chill game. It can be played with four players and honestly is just as fun played alone or with friends. I have had a good time simply flying around in Zen mode, even more, fun than I’ve had in battle. If players have ever dreamed about coloring with rockets with up to four players it would behoove them to pick up this game. There are rockets to be flown, who’s going to fly them, will it be the player?

Disclaimer: A review key was provided