One of the most iconic games of the 8 bit era is Ghosts n Goblins. It was a brutally difficult game that presented a true challenge to players that bordered on sadistic in a good way. It was a game that could be enjoyed for its challenge even by those who were not good at it, because there was a desire to keep going and prove you had what it took to beat the game. The games in the Ghosts N Goblins/Ghouls n Ghosts series all had some degree of change and evolution to them while staying true to the original format, but hasn’t had any new entries in a while despite its legacy. This has not stopped indie developers from taking up the mantle though. and some interesting successors have emerged.
 Cast of The Seven Godsends is an interesting successor to Ghosts n Goblins, by adding some very new ideas to the gameplay. The core is still there but the developers have definitely left their own mark on the game. Cast of The Seven Godsends will have you invoke the titular seven and use their power as transformations for more powerful attacks, in addition to varied gameplay. This definitely does offer something new, and in general the gameplay is both more forgiving and more challenging at the same time. Recovering, and even powering up armor is an occurrence in the game that does make things easier, but there are numerous obstacles and enemies that keep the difficulty at a level that fans of the classic series will enjoy.
One thing I must comment on is the game’s music as it is absolutely amazing. It reminded me of remixes of the soundtrack from the NES game Wizards and Warriors, which is one of my favourite soundtracks in retro gaming, which immediately endeared the game to me. Its just a shame I had issues with the text in the game, as it read rather poorly and like a translation without proper syntax. It was humorous at some points, but sadly it got to be extremely annoying as the game went on.
Cast of The Seven Godsends offers a good amount of level variety as well as enemy variety and I never felt bored while playing it. Everything looked gorgeous and I felt like a kid again playing Ghosts n Goblins for the first time, warts and all. Its not a perfect game, as there are some hit detections issues here and there, but overall I loved it. It is a fun throwback to a classic and one I feel many Switch owners will enjoy!

Disclaimer: A review key was provided