There are many great indie games on Switch that have great fun for multiplayer, but I feel there are not too many that embrace true chaotic play. Into this comes Clusterpuck 99, a game that is multiplayer chaos incarnate. In order to do this review, I spend a lot of time playing this with others just to make sure I got a good feeling for this.

Clusterpuck 99 has a challenge mode for single player options, but to be honest the real draw is the multiplayer. Multiplayer is extremely well done here, being able to fight against in over 30 arenas and in a variety of modes. What is the point of the game though? The point is to back into other players and gain possession of the puck everyone is fighting over and score. You will need to overcome numerous obstacles like spikes, and powerups that can throw you off like speed boosts., that will either stop you dead when you are ready to go after someone, or make you go so fast that you will be able to do death defying stunts. However, these stunts can also throw you off altogether by making you move too fast.

I didn’t expect to find this much strategy in Clusterpuck 99, but it made me realize that the game has a lot more depth to it than I gave it credit for. The multiplayer experience was seamless, and I had no issues when playing, other than my own skill level. I soon learned a variety of tactics I could use, such as using teammates toplay the game like an actual game of hockey, or just going all out in a brawl. The trick was to figure out when to do certain plays and how to time them properly.

Clusterpuck 99 is a game that was full of surprises, and I am glad I spent the time playing it to learn. It isn’t like anything else on the eShop right now, and that is why I am giving it a high recommendation. It is very much worth checking out.


Disclaimer: A review code was provided.