Final Fantasy VII is a seminal classic of gaming. With its release on the Nintendo Switch, it slides into a new era and readies itself for new and old fans to play it. I personally have played very little of this game and am glad for the opportunity to play it finally. Final Fantasy VII really is a quintessential Final Fantasy game and one that I’ve dreamed of playing ever since I watched my cousin play it years ago.

Final Fantasy VII tells the story of the young mercenary Cloud Strife. He is off to take down the corporation that is causing trouble for the world. Cloud is joined by a cast of amazing characters such as Barret, Tifa, and Red XIII, who can all be named as the player wishes. It is great to be able to play a game and name the characters after people important to the player. While naming might not be necessary to me there is something about doing so that makes the game truly my experience.

The characters are what makes the game so recognizable. But the story is also great. I honestly had no idea that there were so many twists and turns in the story. I just remembered the certain bit about the certain character dying. But all in the story is great and there is so much to uncover. There is quite a story to be taken in if the player is willing to explore, and it definitely is one of the best Final Fantasy games to be sure.

Final Fantasy VII is a turn-based RPG, and one of the classic examples that people talk about. Players will take turns attacking foes and having the foes attack back. Players must manage their mp and watch their health, using items if need be. It is great to play an RPG like this, as many RPG’s today use a more action-oriented experience. This game is as classic as one can get and it is nice to see it at its best.

Characters will take turns attacking and being attacked. They need to watch out because if they aren’t fast enough the enemies might be able to attack quicker. There is something about the pacing of the game that is just so classic as there really is no hand holding. Players can unleash Limit Breaks if they slam their enemies enough but these are big attacks so they take time. It feels great to unleash these attacks as it does a bit between their uses.

The game itself has fantastic music. Walking through the areas in the game, players will certainly get a feel for what the game is going for. Emotion flows through the magical music and makes the game even more exciting. The battle music is amazing and the victory jingle, of course, is another amazing sound to hear again.

This game is the updated version and includes codes built into the game. While these codes are definitely not necessary, they can help make the game more palatable to the player. Simply just using the 3x speed code might make the game beatable in a world where we are so busy. Players can also turn off encounters or make every attack a limit break. It is great to have these codes to customize the playing experience as we all don’t have the same amount of time.

Players do need to be wary of speeding up the game though. If there is a countdown on the screen speeding up the game can lead to the player getting a game over. I’ll admit that I turned on the three times speed in order to complete the game a bit faster and nearly died because I didn’t realize that you needed to save Jessie! Thankfully the game stops speeding when it comes to conversations because it is possible to miss key bits of conversation!

While it only happened once I did at one point have to close the game. I had climbed a ladder and couldn’t move afterward. I might not have had to do much but it was enough to irk me at least a little bit. Though in all honesty, the game does play brilliantly and a little bit of replaying isn’t the biggest deal in the long run!

Final Fantasy VII is a true classic and one that has found a nice place for itself on the Nintendo Switch. It is certainly crazy to see this PS1 Classic at home on a Nintendo console but I am so glad that it is here. If players haven’t played this game, or want to jump in again for the millionth time, I highly suggest picking it up for the Nintendo Switch. Cloud and co are waiting to take down Sephiroth, will the player join the cause?