Mutant Year Zero is an awesome game about surviving post-human earth. This game is filled with strange human-like animals, who just want to live well. Will the player help them out or will they just die trying?

Mutant Year Zero begins with a solid opening that lets players know exactly what they are in for. It’s a solid CGI opening that’s higher definition than the game itself. But it sets up what kind of world the player will be running through and a few of the comrades they will be running with. I love when an opening gives just enough, its a perfect thing. Players can play the game on a variety of settings, with either Normal, Hard or Very Hard. Each of these offers a different level of intensity and input from the player. There is also an iron mutant mode, which has permadeath, no manual saves, and auto-saves after every turn in battle. Players can mix and match say normal with Iron mutant if they so desire. It gives the player a chance for at least four playthroughs if they enjoy the game enough.

This game is certainly an interesting one as it mixes, tactical gameplay with a real-time style. Players will at points run around a vast world talking to characters and learning about the world. But they will also battle in an X-com style. This style lends itself to this game and works well with it. It’s great to explore the world in Real-Time as there is just so much out there. The world has been ravaged and mystery is everywhere. What happened to this planet, and why are the animals in control, wielding guns? There is just a good amount to see and discover and that is a tantalizing thing.

The battles are also great as they are in line with the x-com games. These games have a specific style of tactical fighting that just works. While not like JRPG’s it is a fun battle style to be sure. Lead characters in combat using skills and a limited number of steps. Players can take their time and fight as hard as they want to. Battles flow nicely and stealth always seems to be the best way to play. Players can strategically set battles up or go in guns blazing, either style is acceptable. It’s great to set up battles in real-time as it just adds another layer to the gameplay. Players can hide and pick enemies off, or simply destroy it all. It is just a matter of how the player plays and that is a solid thing.

This game has replay value in that players can mix up how they do things. Players will also gather scrap and weapon parts to upgrade their weapons. It’s a good idea to strengthen the player’s weapons whenever the player can. It might take a while to do so, but the hunt always pays off with more damage and fire rate among other things. Plus with such a vast map, players will want to be able to hold as much ammo as possible. The player will also spend time in the Ark. This base has a point and click map with a few stores. Each store offers different boons for the player and is all worth visiting. Each of the shopkeepers has their style and attitude, and are fully voiced. It’s good to take a moment to visit each whenever coming to the base as it can only help the player.

When players leave for missions they will choose an expedition point. Its a quick and painless action and even shows off a wider map. The player will then be dropped in that location and will be able to explore to their heart’s content. Fighting extra enemies might not be a bad idea as there are numerous foes of extremely high levels roaming the wastes.

There are scenes in the game that pop up from time to time. A lot of work was put into making this game shine. I enjoy seeing what this world has to offer. The scenes do show a solid amount of detail and the player even gets to hear some thoughts from the characters themselves. The animals in this game are the real draw, as they can talk and walk like humans. They might not be nicest but they will work together when they have too. It’s interesting seeing a duck walk around shooting down foes with a warthog by his side. The voice acting is also really well done. The characters are snarky and feel alive. The enemies might not be the liveliest but they will shout awful things trying to draw the heroes in. It’s always great to see voice acting in a game and this one does not disappoint in that regard.

This game also includes customizations options called mutations. Mutations can change the game for the player. By equipping the right ones, this ragtag group can become a force to be reckoned with. It is great seeing the different mutations pop up and selecting the best ones. There is a skill tree for every character. Players will gain skill points when their team levels up and when their characters level up. Choose which perks the best suit the play style. There are stat-boosting perks which could help. But the real draw is things like giving Dux the Duck wings or maybe giving stone skin to the human character. Pick well and these mutations might turn the tide of battle in the player’s favor.

The deluxe edition also has the Seed of Evil DLC. This adds several hours of content to an already huge game. Play through this after the main story to have some more fun. It’s great to pick up the deluxe edition and get the DLC as part of the game. The Seed of Evil DLC tells a story that does expand the game. With a new mutant to fight alongside, and new mutations and maps. Worth playing if the player enjoys the full game. Plus more mysteries to uncover make the DLC worth the player’s time.

Mutant Year Zero is a solid Real-Time and Tactical game. The world is rife with mystery and begging to be explored. If players enjoy talking animals with guns this might just be the one for them. Though it is strongly urged that the player is of a certain age before playing this game. The Earth has been changed, will the player help their plucky animal pals find out why?


Disclaimer: A review key was provided