The 90’s were a period where the first person shooter genre exploded onto the scene. There had been games in the genre here and there before, but the 90’s was when the genre truly found its feet. Many have since tried to go back and recapture that feeling of intensity that was found in those games, but to no avail for the most part, with a few exceptions. Enter Demon Pit, a game inspired by classics like Quake, and mixed with the rougelike genre. It is a unique experience, and one that offers something different.

Demon Pit is not a game for those wanting a deep plot or gameplay, but rather it is a game both meant to hearken back to the classics while acting as pure action. The basic idea of the game is to simply kill wave after wave of demons. You will do this in a constantly changing map and will choose what weapons you want to use, and they come in a variety of styles. For example, you can go for limitless ammo with weak pistol attacks and shotguns for the stronger enemies. There are some interesting grapple mechanic to move around, but this needs to be used in a smart manor, or else you will throw off your regaining the health pickups.

This is a fun game as a throwback title, especially with the graphics. They are essentially a high definition take on the graphics in Quake, and definitely has a good amount of charm to it. The music is also well done, and manages to capture the tone of the era perfectly. This is a game you play in quick spurts here and there and is a perfect pick up and play title. Sometimes we don’t need a very deep experience to enjoy, but just a nice rougelike fps that we can play for a few minutes at a time.

I also must note that the game provides a decent challenge for those seeking it. Obviously, fighting off wave after wave of demons while managing your resources is a bit monotonous, but there is also enough variety in the arenas and enemy designs to keep you going. The game never feels boring, and knows exactly what it wants to be as a game, which is appreciated. This is good for those who want an old school fps experience, with some modern ideas as well, and nothing but action.

In conclusion: I recommend Demon Pit, and feel it is a great game.


Disclaimer: A review key was provided