Keroblaster is all about a frog on a mission. This frog works as a custodian, and it’s his job to take out the monsters. He needs to clean things up and has had a few too many chances. His boss is tired of his antics and is just barely giving him one more chance, so it’d be best not to squander it. Keroblaster is a pixelated game starring a helpful frog. His boss might be tired of his work ethic, but with the player’s help, he is sure to make things right. His boss slowly seems to change as the player progresses which is a little disconcerting.

Our froggy hero has a few allies to help out his cause. There is a cat doctor who keeps him alive alongside his ghost nurse. These two characters will consistently appear beside him as he heads off to the next level. It’s nice to know he has some support as his boss hates him. The player has three lives by default, and once they lose them all they head back to the start of the current level. There is no punishment for losing all lives so don’t sweat it. Each level is rather long so it might annoying to start over but that is the only negative thing to happen.

The levels themselves are broken up into little areas that the player will run through. The game’s old school pixel style works wonderfully. The guns all fire differently and the player can switch between them on the fly. It’s best to figure out which gun to use based on the situation so think before shooting. Though the frog has unlimited ammo which is nice. The enemies are brutal and extra hearts are rare. Sometimes wave after wave of enemies will fly in or even randomly drop on his head. This game isn’t above being shady and the enemies don’t care about this frog either way.

As the player bounds through levels, they will collect coins. Coins are important as they are one of the only ways to upgrade the character. He might gain new bullet styles from bosses but coins are the way to strengthen those. Buying health upgrades will also help our amphibian friend. It is rather important to upgrade health before ammo. While the stronger ammo does more damage health is vital. The enemies will often just not stop coming. There is one level where the player must run through a field. This field is home to a mostly flat level where birds continuously fly down to kill him. While ammo will help an extra heart or two could lead to a surer victory.

This game is beautifully animated for a pixel art game. The animation is fluid and the shows off a great style. The game itself looks great and the characters can emote rather nicely. I’m not the biggest fan od pixelated games but I do enjoy the style for this run and gun frog shooter. Keroblaster is a solid run and gun platformer. The main character is a go-getter who just seems to get the short end of the stick. Playing through this game was a fun experience and I enjoyed the level design. I thought the weapons were pretty cool and being a custodian never looked so fun. He might just be a simple gun-toting frog, but will the play help him out?


Disclaimer: A review key was provided