It is easy to get ignored on the Switch these days, considering the large amount of games constantly being released and the many problems the eShop has. That means many games get passed over because they look generic, when in fact, they have a lot of depth and innovation to them. This is the case with So Many Me: Extended Edition. a platform puzzle game that is most definitely more than meets the eye when it comes to gameplay.

So Many Me; Extended Edition stars Filo. who is told to go on a great quest, which he agrees to but does not care about any of the details. The writing may seem kind of awkward and stilted at times when it comes to Filo, but the times it works, it works very well. The game also does not hold your hand all that much, and lets you get straight to the action. Filo’s essence is shattered into hundreds of clones shaped by different parts of his personality. These shards are called Me’s, and the more you have, the more you are able to explore a level. The Me’s move with you at all times and can be used in a variety of ways. For instance, defeating some enemies is easier the more Me’s you have, because there will be more jumping on the enemy delivering a hit. Each Me can be transformed into a stone platform that Filo can jump on to reach new areas, and the more you experiment, the more you will be able to understand how the mechanics work and how to exploit them.

This is not a simple game by any means, and each movement requires a lot of thought. You can complete levels quickly, but you will not have found everything there is to find in the level. You need too think and consider your movements and plan out your actions. The game has plenty of obstacles, such as gasses that block your ability to make new blocks, guns that kill you instantly, and puzzles that require fast action. On top of this, you will die numerous times as you play, but the game keeps bringing you back for more. Sometimes there will be obstacles and puzzles you are unable to think through and require additional help. For this reason, the game has a variety of power-ups and transformations that you can find. There are  transmitter fruits for example that will change the nature of the transformation, such as turning one of the Me’s into a bouncy form instead of a platform, among other changes. Another neat touch is that the Me’s and Filo can join together in new forms such as a Jellysaur and Tankephaunt that will allow you to advance in the levels in different ways.

So Many Me: Extended Edition may not have the best story, but it does try to flesh out its characters. The main draw though is the gameplay, which will make you feel like a genius when you understand it. This is a game that deserves more attention, and it is sad that it fell under the radar for many. If anything, this is a hidden gem on the Switch, and one that more people should play. This version even comes with both of the expansions and both are great to spend time playing I highly recommend this game for everyone.

Disclaimer: A review key was provided



Developer: Extend Interactive
Publisher: Starcaster LLC