Darius is one of the most beloved shoot ‘em up series of all time, and demand is always high for ports and conversions. Taito previously released Darius Cozmic Collection Arcade and Darius Cozmic Collection Console on PS4 and Switch, in order to bring many of the amazing Darius games of the past to modern players, but some games were left out. G-Darius was not included in the arcade collection, and Dariusburst was left out altogether from both. Taito, ININ Games and Strictly Limited Games have now rectified this with Darius Cozmic Revelation, which contains G-Darius, G-Darius HD, Dariusburst: Another Chronicle EX+, and the bonus of Sagaia on Game Boy to complete the Darius re-releases.

Dariusburst: Another Chronicle EX+ is an updated version of the most recent Darius game and further adds refinements. This is a revision of DariusBurst AC with newer visuals but also a replay mode and new missions not in the arcade version of Another Chronicle EX. Dariusburst uses the widescreen display style from the original Darius but is a lot easier on the eyes when playing on Switch in handheld mode, and even comes with the option to zoom in on the ship if the player chooses to do so.

Dariusburst Another Chronicle EX+ brings a new twist with the burst beam mechanic where the player is able to lock the beam in certain directions for strategic use, or even as a shield against attacks. The screen filling beams are a major part of getting though the game and is recharged every time the Silver Hawk destroys something like an enemy ship, a similar enemy shot or asteroids. The beam can be maintained for a while and are useful in boss fights, but keep in mind that the bosses have access to the beam as well and this can lead to beam duels like in G-Darius (more on that in a bit).

There are multiple ships to choose from, including ones that do not have the burst mechanic that the game pushes. These ships without the burst mechanic are based on other games in the franchise, including the first Darius and Darius Gaiden, and thus have weapons based on those games and require an alternate playstyle. Other ships have the burst mechanic however, so it is up to the player to decide how they wish to proceed in the game.

Dariusburst Another Chronicle EX+ is heavy on content, with multiple modes included that can keep players happy for a long time Another Chronicles EX+ contains the original game, the original EX Mode, as well as chronicles mode which contains selectable stages with missions and objectives, and event mode. Event mode is what will interest seasoned players, as it contains missions that were limited time events in the arcade release and also exclusive EX+ Missions created for this version.

The game can be played in multiplayer, and the widescreen accommodates this well. A good way to play multiplayer is to have players with ships that use the burst mechanics and the ships that use the throwback weapons, as it will allow variety and a new strategy for players. Overall, Dariusburst Another Chronicle EX+ is a great package of the most recent game in the series for fans to enjoy.

G-Darius comes with two versions, the original game, and an HD version. G-Darius is not talked about as much as Darius Gaiden, but that should not be the case as it is even better than the earlier game. The action is not only intense and fun, but there are also some elements introduced here. G-Darius gives players the option to capture enemy ships and have them fight alongside you. These ships will have their own unique attacks, and some will act in defensive roles to help you, while all will take damage alongside the silver hawk. Different ships have different abilities and capturing certain ones will give you achievements.

While you can detonate the captured ship as a bomb, the biggest innovation G-Darius brought was the beam duel mechanic, where you can charge up and fire a powerful beam if you have a ship captured. If used against a boss at the same time the boss uses a beam attack, the duel is initiated and you must tap fire repeatedly in order to win, which is an extremely satisfying feeling. These beam duels can kill the boss immediately, or at least severely would them, and some bosses will have multiple beams that can be countered at once, giving a true challenge to overcome.

G-Darius is one of the most intricately designed shmups ever made, with a near perfect hitbox set up, excellent controls and the silver hawk will adjust directions properly in certain fights and situations, preventing frustration. G-Darius exceeds Darius Gaiden in many ways, and while the constant rumble in the switch version can be annoying at times, the game is a must play. Dariusburst is fun but not everyone’s cup of tea, G-Darius however, is a game that every shmup fan should play, but turning the rumble off on the controller is suggested.

Each stage is set up perfectly, with none outstaying its welcome, and providing a good number of enemies to fight and capture.  There are multiple endings here and playing through different stages is the way to get them, which gives G-Darius a high level of replayability. In addition, a future update will bring G-Darius Ver. 2 to this collection and that will also add to the replay value, making this a must play title.

Sagaia Game Boy version is included in the Switch version of Darius Cozmic Revelation and is more of a nice bonus than a main attraction. The game is a condensed version of Darius II and is fun to play in short bursts. The warnings of big bosses approaching is still here, as are the big boss battles themselves, just in a reduced form.  This is more for hardcore Darius fans who want everything, but there is fun to be had with the classic gameplay as long as you accept that you won’t have the same experience as from the full arcade and console games. This is something to dip in and out of every so often and enjoy, especially for fans of classic portable shmups.

Darius Cozmic Revelation is a great collection of shmups, and still has updates coming with more content. It is worth checking out the collection from Strictly Limited Games, and can be found at their store here in both standard and special editions. This is a treat for fans of the genre and the additions of modern touches like achievements help out as well. If you have are a devoted fan of Darius, you cannot go wrong with this.

Disclaimer: A review copy was provided in exchange for an honest review.