Here is some rather interesting news as GoldenEye 007 is no longer “banned” in Germany two decades after its original release on N64.

According to Mental Floss, the German federal agency Bundesprüfstelle für jugendgefährdende Medien ( Translated: Federal Department for Media Harmful to Young Persons) set up an index in the 1980s to include media deemed harmful to young people. GoldenEye was added in 1998 due to its death scenes and claims of glorification of violence.

While items on the index are automatically reviewed after 25 years,  GoldenEye has been unbanned ahead of the date and here is where the interesting part comes in. The ban was lifted following a manual review request from Nintendo of Europe, which saw the game removed from the index.

Why Nintendo would want this is still a question as IO Interactive have the 007 license. It’s possible Nintendo, Microsoft and IO have worked out a deal to re-release the game, but as of now, we still do not know what is going on.




