Nintendo revealed in its Corporate Governance Report,  that the company is making a stronger push for diversity within its workforce. One section of the document notes that there is a plan for “recruiting women and creating an environment in which women can build successful careers” and that Nintendo will “increase the proportion of women in managerial positions”. The report also notes that Nintendo is “committed to respecting the personality and strengths of each and every employee, including employees from our overseas subsidiaries, and developing an environment where employees of diverse backgrounds can maximize their potential.”



The Company respects human rights in its recruitment process, selecting employees on the basis of their competence and skills regardless of gender, age, nationality, disability, sexual orientation or gender identity, conducts fair employee appraisal and treatment in accordance with the quality and quantity of skills demonstrated by employees, and helps employees demonstrate their skills even further.

The Company does not have specific targets for the appointment of women, foreign nationals, and mid-careers to managerial positions. However, as a global company engaging in the entertainment business, which is characterized by increasingly diversifying customer needs and preferences, it is essential that we leverage the talents of a diverse workforce. Therefore, we are committed to respecting the personality and strengths of each and every employee, including employees from our overseas subsidiaries, and developing an environment where employees of diverse backgrounds can maximize their potential.

As part of these efforts, we are recruiting women and creating an environment in which women can build successful careers. We intend to increase the proportion of women in managerial positions from the current proportions in the Nintendo Group’s principal offices globally (23.7% as of March 31, 2021) and Nintendo Co., Ltd. in Japan (4.2% as of March 31, 2021).

This follows the internal memo that leaked from Nintendo of America president Doug Bowser after numerous controversies emerged at Activision Blizzard.





