Regista has announced the vertical scrolling shmup Star Gagnant for the Nintendo Switch, which is being developed under the supervision of Takahashi Meijin, and there will be a crowdfunding campaign for the project beginning on September 5 at 5 p.m. (JST).


Takahashi Meijin,  a former employee of Hudson Soft now working with MAGES who, since the Famicom era, has been a key figure in the shmup genre, and well-known for his rapid fire speed that allowed him to fire 16 shots per second. After feeling that  “the shmups of today are too difficult and can’t be enjoyed by everyone!”  he went to work to create a new “retro-style, rapid-fire shmup that anyone can enjoy”, and worked with Regista to create the Star Gagnant project.

Star Gagnant will have a variety of modes to let players fully enjoy the appeal of the shmup genre including:

1. An Arcade Mode where the goal is to clear each stage and reach the ending.
2. A Caravan Mode where players compete in a two-minute score attack.
3. A Challenge Mode where players compete using pure technique.


The crowdfunding campaign for the game will be held between September 5 and October 5 (JST) on crowdfunding site Ubgoe, with the initial funding goal at one million yen or around $7,000, and the project is adopting an All-in (keep-it-all) approach, meaning that development will go ahead even if this goal is not met.

The game is expected to come out in May of 2023, and there are a number of backer tiers on offer that range from 1,000 yen or around $7  to 300,000 yen or around $2,000. This will include rewards such as the privilege to give food or drink to Takahashi Meijin and the development team, having your name added to the credits, getting a limited-edition T-shirt, and the the chance to design an enemy or boss that will appear in the game.

Additional details can be found on the Ubgoe campaign page.

