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This week, Gun Interactive shared more details from its upcoming 2023 release, The Texas Chain Saw Massacre, including the main theme music for the game, titled “The Massacre.” Written by BAFTA-nominated composer Ross Tregenza and featuring a performance from Gun CEO, Game Design, Audio & Art Director Wes Keltner on his Apprehension Engine, the piece is an unsettling sneak peek into the soundscape of the game, while still evoking the original score of the classic 1974 film.

The Texas Chain Saw Massacre is scheduled for release in 2023. Read on for more new info unveiled this week.


In a video uploaded to the official TCSM Twitter page, Tregenza said that the main theme was “made of pig screams, chainsaws, [and] scraped metal,” among other equipment like the Soma Lyra drone machine, assuring fans that “there’s a lot more to come.” Keltner’s performance utilized the Apprehension Engine, the custom-made musical instrument played by the likes of Mark Korven and Trent Reznor, and which was once described by Brian Eno as “the most terrifying musical instrument of all time.”


Victims Unveiled, Abilities & Attributes Explained


In addition to the premiere of “The Massacre,” Gun also kicked off the month by revealing a series of 70’s-style character trading cards that detail the biographical info and in-game attributes of each of the game’s five main Victims. From good ol’ Texan boy and ex-high school wrestler Leland McKinney, to Ana Flores, protagonist and sister to the missing Maria, these throwback cards provide a foundation for the game’s story while also adding a visual flourish that evokes the era of baseball cards on bicycle spokes. Check out the official TCSM Twitter Page to see all of the character cards, then hop over to the official Community Hub to read more about them.

Finally, with the Victims revealed, the team posted another piece to the Community Hub, highlighting the Victims’ unique Abilities and the Attributes you’ll read about on the aforementioned character cards.



Have a gander on YouTube