1992’s Super Double Dragon was the first entry in the legendary series to be made for the SNES and the first not to be based on an arcade game. It was loved at the time, but opinion has shifted in the following years due to many of its developers revealing it was made under a difficult time crunch that caused many of its planned features, including some cutscenes and animations to be scrapped. Well, a fan named Mau Herrera decided to work on a fan project to restore some of these features using OpenBor and released The Legend of The Double Dragon, and has now begun work on another expanded version called Ultimate Double Dragon.

Ultimate Double Dragon is planned to include many of the features, which were introduced in The Legend of The Double Dragon while adding new 16-bit sound effects and music, moves and combos, and faster animations.  The most notable aspect, however, is that Techn?s artist Kôji Ogata, who worked on many of the Double Dragon games, has contributed some updated sprite work and cutscenes. to the project.

You can see some videos below.



