[ Final Fantasy XV Episode Prompto is the Second Character DLC.. ]With the conclusion to Final Fantasy XV’s Episode Gladiolus DLC, Episode Prompto is the second of a three-part DLC pack for Final Fantasy XV. This particular set goes more so in depth with the character of Verstael Bestihia who was a key villain and an integral piece of the overall plot within the original game who was for the most part cut from the original game outside of the small piece of exposition we got of him beforehand. Within Final Fantasy XV Episode Prompto’s DLC a rather large amount of it is exclusively focused on Verstael’s overall character arc and development. But sadly knowing this? You really do not see Verstael’s character enough to justify his inclusion into the plot this late into the game, this is a bit disheartening considering that Verstael himself was pretty much the predominant focus of this specific DLC.
Where does Episode Prompto Take Place At?
[ Final Fantasy XV Episode Prompto opens up with a plethora of modes specifically the “Intensive Training” mode. ]: Final Fantasy XV Episode Prompto takes place directly after the train scene following the events of Cartanica. In which if you have not played Final Fantasy XV up until this point? Prompto gets separated from the party thus this specific DLC follows that narrative and is mostly geared from Prompto’s point of view. The settings within this DLC are mostly geared with two things in mind “Research Facilities” and “The Wilderness“. So for the Final Fantasy Fan who’s expecting to see towns and the such and more of Niflheim within this DLC? Sadly that does not come to light. However, Episode Prompto from first glance has less of a full-blown dungeon experience and instead more of a hybrid experience between a dungeon / open world experience type DLC. With the DLC’s dungeon based maps being “The Research Facilities” and the games open world based maps being “The Wilderness” respectively.
How is Episode Prompto’s Gameplay? :
[ Most of Episode Prompto’s gameplay involves the player shooting down waves of enemies with various weapons in order to proceed.]Final Fantasy XV’s Episode Prompto feel less like an actual chapter within Final Fantasy XV and more so like a weird blend between Final Fantasy XV’s story and lore and Metal Gear Solid. ( This is mostly due to the setting of Episode Prompto and Metal Gear Solid both being in snow-covered facilities and both having chase sequences which were both shown in the trailer. ) It is this specific point where the overall opinion of the DLC will be divided between two different between two different subgroups of gamers. The first group being the type of gamers who are playing this specific DLC with the core concept of clearing it as fast as possible in mind. It is these type of gamers who regardless of the onscreen instructions would just run up to the enemy all guns blazing and do whatever it takes to take down the enemy just so they can move on with the story. As while the game might tell you to specifically “Stealth Kill” an enemy in order to steal their weapon? Chances are if your the gamer on the go your just going to walk directly in front of the enemy and shoot said enemy without actually employing “Stealth” at all. It’s this sort of reckless indiscretion that allows the gamer without a lot of time on their hands to just steal the enemy’s weapon outright from the weapon rack instead which is conveniently placed right beside said enemy thus defeating the purpose of even following the on-screen instructions in the first place! The other group of divided gamers is those who would actually follow the on-screen instructions regardless of the fact that there are no real benefits of following said instructions in the first place. It’s this complete lack of punishment for not being stealthy that defeats the whole point of adding stealth elements to this specific DLC.
What Episode Prompto Does Right?
+ The Lore and Storyline Exposition + The Inclusion Of Verstael Besithia + The Amount Of Plot Heavy Elements + The Overall Character Development Of Prompto
What Episode Prompto Does Wrong?
+ The Games Stealth Elements ( Its bad for its time. ) + Certain elements are very unbelievable as a whole. + This DLC only has three new enemies one normal and two bosses + The fact that the tent/inn in this DLC is a Vending Machine.
Is Final Fantasy XV Episode Prompto Worth The Purchase?:
[ The most jarring fact about Episode Prompto is that this DLC treats the campfire/tent area as a Vending Machine? So the game expects Prompto to rest overnight at a vending machine and not get caught? By enemies who patrol the hallways. Okay. -_-;]Now, this is where another divide between fans and their expectations will happen. If the consumer of this product is a Final Fantasy Fan because they want more lore and storyline exposition out of this specific DLC? Then yes Episode Prompto is recommended as the sheer amount of nods this DLC has to its overall lore elements alone makes this worth the purchase for the lore-heavy gamer. Now on the other hand if the consumer is playing this just to see whats new that they added? There will be lowered expectations, to say the least. This is mostly outside of one new enemy ( an orbital sphere like enemy and the DLC’s two bosses omitting the DLC’s re-skinned super boss.) There is nothing new outside of the limited amount of weapons Prompto can use with limited amounts of ammo. The maximum being the Rapidus SMG with 100 rounds the other weapons have limited amounts of ammo thus making them non-viable choices to defend the player in their endeavors. Final Fantasy XV Episode Prompto is a mix of what we’ve already got within Final Fantasy XV namely the cross between the DLC’s open world like maps and the Magitek Research facilities that this DLC entails. Even Episode Prompto’s overall “Hype Moments” feel rather unbelievable at times and that personally cheapens what would be a rather intense moment within the whole storyline. Even with the open world elements most of your time will be spent upgrading your means to get around as heading further along with the story will put you on a linear path to the DLC’s two final bosses. Outside of that? Minus the time spent with the guest character for this DLC be it in the DLC or the games “Intensive Training” option. Unless the consumer is specifically getting it for the lore purposes? This DLC will feel less like an actual full-blown DLC episode and more like a half hour special. However, upon completing this DLC you’ll get to see a short teaser for Final Fantasy XV “Episode Ignis” so there is some incentive to playing this DLC chapter overall. Basically, this DLC is for the gamer with either the Final Fantasy XV season pass or a little bit of extra spending money or just someone who wants to know more about the lore of the game overall. Otherwise? pass on it for something else.
Terrence T. Watson (n) - self styled professional gamer / director. Talented humble adult who has personally forged his way through life in a variety of things. Famous on both the internet and outside of it but all in all your everyday cool guy. Personally my favorite systems are anything Playstation and I like almost every genre of gaming except horror.