There are many games that try and do something new in terms of gameplay design but rarely pull it off well. One game that has, is Skellboy, available now on all platforms. It is a game set in a kingdom  where anarchy is ensuing because the king’s court magician gets rejected by the princes, and unleashes destruction on the world,  summoning monsters,  and Skippy, our  hero of Skelboy, Skippy can swap out his body parts for other abilities and therein lies the appeal of the game. Skellboy is an action RPG, but your main weapons and skills are used via swapping out Skippy’s body parts for new ones.

Of course, you do gain new weapons and  skills by exploring the world and its  dungeons, while fighting enemies, but this makes the fights some of the most creative you will ever find, Considering that you can mix and match new body parts for Skippy, there are  some very inventive things you can do. You can make Skippy take on various looks, some of which just come off as ridiculous, while also finding actual weapons to boost your skills and attacks. I have to say that I appreciate what the developers did here. Yes Skippy moves slowly, which is a common complaint about the game, but I didn’t really have any other issues, I am told the framerate was terrible at first, and held the game back, but playing very recently I did not see this issue. The framerate was fine for me, and I had a consistent play experience.

I need to talk about the amazing visuals and music next. Skellboy combines 3D environments with 2D, pixels and created an amazing feast for the eyes. This is one of the best-looking games I have seen in years, with a look that just pops out at you as you play it. The colours are stunning, and you can really notice how different each environment is. The music is handled so well, with nice chiptunes that really endear themselves to you. I never got tired of them and found myself humming them while doing other activities later.  Overall, the audio/visual in the game is amazing and I love it.

In conclusion Skellboy is an amazing title that really succeeds in trying something new. It is something I recommend everyone trying out, because of how well it plays. If you don’t mind a slower paced character, this is a perfect experience.

Disclaimer: A review key was provided