Freedom Planet is an interesting game. The project initially began as a Sonic fangame, but quickly became its own IP that distinguished itself from the Sonic series and able to stands on its own. I previously played the Wii U release of the game and found that while it was a little loose at times, it was overall an amazing experience. I considered it the best 2D Sonic game at the time (though Sonic Mania takes that crown now), and now I have had another chance to play the game on Switch.

Overall, the game is mostly the same. The quirky story and characters are all here, and the combat is mostly intact. I say mostly because the floatiness that was in the Wii U version is back with a vengeance here on Switch and is actually a bit of a problem. I am not saying this is a bad port at all, but the floatiness threw me off more than once and this did get in the way of combat as well.

Freedom Planet is a good game in itself, and shows how explorations can actually work really well in A 2D style Sonic game. It shows that the games do not all need to be just about speed, but this again brings up the floatiness issue. It stuck with me throughout my time with the game, and while I do not feel it is necessarily a deal breaker for the Switch version, it needs to be kept in mind. I did get frustrated several times and the game was affected by the matter. especially the case in areas where the floaty controls caused me to miss specific jumps.

In the end, Freedom Planet is not a perfect port to Switch. The game is all here and can be enjoyed, but keep in mind that the controls do have some issues with them.

Disclaimer: A review key was provided.