Welcome to the world of monsters and soulless creatures.  It’s a unique fantasy world with cool races and interesting characters.  If you’re looking for an awesome fantasy novel that’s different from the usual fair, I highly recommend reading Pariahs.  You will not be disappointed.

Vijeren is a kid just trying to live his life.  Unfortunately, he lives in this compound with the Grand Apwor, a villain you just love to hate.  He’s a cruel and evil guy, and when Zhin who is a law enforcement officer appears, things start to get interesting.

I’ve honestly not read a fantasy novel quite like Pariahs. The characters are not human, eleven, or the usual.  Instead, they are this interesting mash-up with cool fangs. These guys come in different forms and races and have their own cultural aspects.  Plus, there are tons of monsters and creatures added for suspense.

Pariahs is beautifully written. It has good story pacing with just action to keep the story moving but enough detail to set a rich world and flesh out the characters. The story has an amazing setting that goes in-depth into a fun new world.

If you have some time for a brilliant and unique fantasy novel, Pariahs should be on your list. I blasted through it, and I’m sure you will too. It’s an amazing book!