When Return to Monkey Island was announced, long-time fans of the series were both thrilled and somewhat cautious. This was a revival of the franchise that fans had been waiting for, but some comments left some concern and confusion. This was to be a sequel to Monkey Island 2: LeChuck’s Revenge, but would also include the other games in some form, and then there was the art style that left many with a poor taste in their mouths at first, and as a result, there was some apprehension.

After playing Return to Monkey Island though, two things are clear. One is that the art style is nowhere near as bad as it was made out to be. Yes, the classic art style would have been amazing, especially with how Ron Gilbert already released a retraux point and click game entitled Thimbleweed Park that had a classic look, but this new art style actually looks excellent when playing the game. The other thing that was clear is that Ron Gilbert is a massive troll in the best way possible, especially with regard to the game’s status as a sequel.

Return to Monkey Island is a true return to classic adventure gaming, with all the best elements we loved making a return. Puzzles, witty dialogue, and excellent writing are all present, and like in The Curse of Monkey Island, there are two options for how to play, a mode with fewer puzzles and a mode with more puzzles. This is great for people who want to play but might be intimidated by an adventure game’s puzzles but is also great for adding replay value for a second playthrough of the game.

Return to Monkey Island is playable on PC and consoles, with the game currently being a timed exclusive to Nintendo Switch, and the console controls work perfectly. You can use touchscreen controls to play like a classic point-and-click game or use stick and button controls that are smooth like butter and feel completely natural here. The controls are so good in fact, that this interface feels like how a point-and-click adventure like Monkey Island was always meant to be played on console.

But is this a good new entry? Oh, very much so, as Return to Monkey Island not only hits all the high notes, we have come to expect but isn’t slavishly devoted to the retro style and is willing to try new things. The result is a throwback to classic adventure games in a new and modern style. Think the best classic Lucasarts games, but with a lot more tools at the developers’ disposal to create something truly epic. We have new takes on classic puzzles, new riffs on old jokes and some brand-new ways of storytelling. Apologies for not specifying more, but we do not wish to spoil the game and the puzzles are an essential part of the story.

One thing that can be mentioned is the inclusion of an in-game hint book to help you figure out what to do next. This was done to prevent the need for players to go online and look up solutions to puzzles they are stuck on and risk seeing spoilers. This even comes with a caution not to use it more than it is needed because experiencing the game yourself is truly important.

There are some great modern additions as well, such as Quality of Life improvements to the overall formula in addition to the aforementioned hint book, as the game feels far more accessible than typical adventure games. There is also the inclusion of in-game achievements and the means of getting some are truly hilarious and fitting with the tradition of Monkey Island. The most important thing to mention is the inclusion of a Trivia Card collecting system in the game that, while not required to finish the game, manages to give a lot more content to players who want more out of an adventure game and it is once again done in a welcome way.

So, we have established that the controls are amazing, and the gameplay is fun, but how about the presentation? Well, as mentioned, the controversial art style actually looks very good when playing and the developers managed to create situations that take full advantage of it. In terms of audio, the voice acting is great as always, and most of the cast has returned except for some who retired, and the music, something that has always been a high point of the series, is excellent as well.

There is something else about the game and that is its overall theme. This is a game about getting older and being faced with a new generation that does things differently and showing that you still have what it takes to match the younger folks. This is true both in-game with Guybrush’s adventure, and it seems to be true for Ron Gilbert, Dave Grossman and company who have shown that not only is Monkey Island still relevant and fun but that they are still up to the task of making not only great adventure games but great games period.

This is why so many twists on classic ideas are presented the way they are, to continue this theme of showing what worked before can still be made to work now even if in a different way. Characters in the game may feel their age now, but the experiences are still as exhilarating as ever, we are just experiencing how the characters adapt to new changes. This even ties in with the visual style and gameplay choices as it shows the game is both a return to a classic style of gameplay but in a more advanced way and with art that reflects the change.

Overall, Return To Monkey Island is a triumph of adventure games. It is both a return to classic form and a great instance of building on the foundations. This is the game Monkey Island fans have been waiting for and the wait has been very much worthwhile. We highly recommend this.


Available on PC and Nintendo Switch


Reviewed on Nintendo Switch


All Pictures Captured On Nintendo Switch hardware