My Time in Portia is a great game that takes inspiration from series like Harvest Moon. My Time in Portia is a marvelous game about living life on an island and making a name for oneself. Players start with a simple home and build things up over the years of in-game time. It’s a testament to the dedication to succeed and has a decent story to boot. My Time in Portia has a story, but players don’t need to rush through it. Players can take their time clearing tasks and work through the story at their own pace. Players might want to work on the farm, before jumping into the game’s story. My Time in Portia is all about living life the way the player wants, and that is why it is so magical.

The player is in Portia because their father left them a workshop. The workshop is where the magic happens. Players can craft all sorts of things from tools, to crafting materials, to machines. These machines will help the player craft even more items that they can sell or use in quests. It might take a lot of time to develop everything, but it is worth it. Players have to deal with the citizens and even a few rival workshops. These workshops also take requests, and every season competes to be the top workshop. It is up to the player whether they compete or not; they can do what they’d like the first year. It’s a good idea to take requests when possible, but don’t let them lapse, or citizens will dislike the player.

Players can buy all sorts of goods from the people in town or forage for them. They can mine for any gems they want in the various mines and dungeons. There is plenty of fishing and herbs to pull. Players can even battle monsters. It’s up to the player what they do with their time, but it is worth figuring out what makes money. For instance, I found that I could easily make money by fighting monsters. I’d fight a few days away and sell what I’d collect. Grinding not only netted me experience, which helped me level up but also helped in other areas. I was able to hit a high enough level that at the first fighting tournament for the year, I was able to be named first place and win the whole thing. Everything comes into play, so find what works and get it done. Players who do begin to fight monsters should be wary of high-level monsters. Takedown to many of a monster and a high-level monster will appear. Players can dodge roll and equip stronger weapons, so they are beatable. I remember defeating a monster about twelve levels higher; than I was and feeling good about it. Again monster battling is a great way to level up and is fun too.

Farming is a big part of the game if the player wishes it to be. Players can farm for a variety of different fruits and vegetables. They can make these things into smoothies and other delicious treats. But, the game doesn’t force the issue, and not farming at all is legitimate. It doesn’t necessarily give me a thrill to farm, so fighting off monsters or mining is what takes up my time. Players can befriend all of the residents on the island. A majority of them are romanceable, and it doesn’t matter the gender. These relationships can take a while to foster as the characters slowly open up to the player. They give the player points for talking to them but give extra points for gifts. Since the game has been out for a while, players can look up guides, so they don’t waste the daily chance.

Some characters despise receiving certain things, and the relationship will suffer for it. It’s up to the player whether they look up guides or save scum, but the game only saves after the player goes to bed for the night, so the player should be warned. This game wants to be a little like real life, so sometimes consequences are worth accepting. Marriage in this game offers up a slew of rewards depending on who the player marries. Some might give the player discounts in their shop, while another villager will grant the player a monthly stipend. It’s nice to plan for the future, but I always try to follow my heart in games like this.

This game has an interesting mechanic where players can play rock paper scissors for affection. If this isn’t for the player, they can also duel. These events are actual fights where the player will fight until one is one of the duelists loses. These fights are great because the pair battle using moves from Street Fighter and Fatal Fury. It’s an easter egg but a cool one. Players will want to befriend as many people as possible because they further the island. By interacting with people, players can see stories play out and watch the island blossom. People will get married, and new caves will open. The island will bloom, and it will be because of the player. It’s a sight to behold watching the island thrive.

There is also voice acting in this game, which isn’t always the best. Some people complain that it is awful, but it could be worse. The voice acting used tends to match the character, and I think that is a good thing. I’m always up for voice-acting even if it is rough. It shows dedication to include voice acting, so though it isn’t perfect, I respect the team for including it. The voice acting is decent in the cinematics that pop-up too. From time to time, as the story progresses, players will see scenes. These scenes help bridge the story and tie loose ends together. They add to the charm of the game and work well. It is always a nice idea to have cinematics, and I appreciate the effort.

My Time in Portia is a farming simulator. It’s a game that takes time to get going, but once it gets going, it’s brilliant. It brings me back to a time long ago when I dreamed of living in a farming village. A weird dream I know, but it was a different time, and it makes me smile that this game brings back those feelings. There is a town in need of a different kind of hero, is the player up to the task?