Fitness games are nothing new for Nintendo, given their past with Wii Fit, Wii Fit U and also last year’s Fitness Boxing. What is new however, is how the company has approached fitness games with their newest release, Ring Fit Adventure, a fitness game that is also a turn based JRPG. While it may sound strange to some at first, the truth is that it works surprisingly well. Nintendo is all about innovation and creativity and this is a perfect touch of the Nintendo charm added to the Wii Fit formula.


The RPG side of the game is not the deepest RPG around and is not aimed at hardcore fans of that genre, but that was never the point of it. The game is a full-on adventure rpg controlled via fitness movements, from walking through the world to guarding against enemy attacks and attacking enemies, everything is done via exercise. Ring Fit Adventure is aimed at a wide audience, sets out to make workouts fun.Adding in a full RPG adventure is a brilliant move because it broadens the appeal of the game and can get people interested even if they are not typically into workout games. As I said, the RPGs itself is not that deep, but its how you control it that sticks out. The game comes with two physical parts: the Ring-Con, a flexible, hard-plastic ring that the user holds and that one Joy Con slides into, and a Leg Strap, in which the other Joy-Con is held. You manipulate movement via these two components and get yourself a good workout while on your quest to defeat the evil bodybuilding dragon Dragaux.

This is a game for everyone, even if they are just a beginner to exercise routines. It is a great entry point and there are multiple options for adjusting to your comfort level. You can even set the game to quiet mode which changes several of the exercises to ones that will not distract other people. The RPG part may not be the deepest, but it is designed well to keep people exercising. Nothing feels overwhelming, but you do need to work up a sweat as you make jumps, battle enemies and traverse the world. I am serious about fitness due to wanting to be healthy and I have a hard time sticking to many workouts due to them feeling too monotonous and not stimulating enough. Ring Fit Adventure manages to be exactly what I need as I am more engaged in the exercise. Battling enemy monsters by doing exercise moves and poses is a nice way to keep me focused and excited at the same time.

But for people who may want a fitness game without needing to play a full RPG at the same time, or want to continue playing after beating the story, there is a workout mode more typical of Wii Fit as well. It is tailored to the game’s unique quirkiness, as is the minigame exercise mode, so no one is left out with this game. It is a great step forward for exercise games and something to keep and eye on if you are curious about getting more fit. The aforementioned quiet mode is here as well and gives the best options for quick workouts in your busy day.

If you are looking for a new way to exercise, then this is something you should definitely look into. Nintendo hit it out of the park with Ring Fit Adventure.