Retro City Rampage was a game I thoroughly enjoyed when I played on Switch. It was a great experience, but not perfect as there were rough sports. Now Vblank Entertainment has come out with their next experience in Shakedown Hawaii. While the name may evoke memories of Hotline Miami, the overall game has quite a different feeling to it.

Shakedown Hawaii sees you play as the CEO of a company who must stave off a bankruptcy and buyout sale and bring his company back to the top. Of course getting things done outside the legal boundaries is the best way to get things done.  Shakedown Hawaii is one part 16 bit shooter, one part  business simulator and one part social satire.

Unlike Retro City Rampage, you play as a variety of characters including the CEO, his wannabe gangsta son, and a mercenary who handles the difficult matters. The various missions will switch you between the three but this is one spot where the game falters. Some of these missions, while a nice break in the gameplay, just feel off. This is especially the case with the CEO’s son who is an annoying character. The Mercenary on the other hand, has some of the best missions in the game.

There are a number of improvements over Retro City Rampage here, notably police chases and overall combat. You can dodge the police much easier now, and the controls for combat are much more responsive. The issue I have is with the sound of the cars when they break, as it is an annoying sound that is heard constantly. In terms of combat, my only issue is that sometimes you can get knocked down and be unable to fight back before your health runs out.

Health itself is much easier to come across here, and the weapons are more inventive, but where Shakedown Hawaii stands out is its missions. Various parts of the game will see you shakedown stores and businesses for protection money and these are a highlight. These can range from beating up a clerk or fighting a rival gang, to cutting peoples’ hair off or protesting businesses. It is a nice change of pace, and the various side missions that pop up throughout the game are probably better than the main storyline, which is pretty good itself.

Overall, I was very impressed with Shakedown Hawaii and must recommend it to all. I criticized some parts, but my complaints were minor. This is a great game, and one of the funniest I have ever played.

Disclaimer: A review key was provided