Imagine a theme park where adventure is the name of the game. Heroland is a game all about an amazing place where players can live their RPG styled lives. Guests pay to enter and can battle their way through dungeons to test their mettle and win fabulous prizes. This park might be fun, but guests will put their lives on the line. With this game being from the creators of Mother 3, its a sure sign this could be the adventure of a lifetime.

One of the cool things about this game is how it looks. The characters are old-school in design but they are 3d. The characters pop up from the background and emote as best they can, its quite stunning, to say the least. The game wants to bring just a hint of nostalgia and I appreciate that small nod. Our main character is an unassuming young man with an afro. This young man has signed up for something he’d never imagine he’d do. He doesn’t know what he is getting into, but he will try his best. Heroland isn’t a normal job even for a part-timer, but this young unassuming fellow is going to have his work cut out for him.

After a rough first day, our hero wants nothing more than to quit but after an accident is forced to stay on. He quickly breaks a priceless vase and is made to stay on until he pays for it. I felt immediately bad for this as this event isn’t his fault. But whatever works, as he is now forced to continue this odd job and make himself the best tour guide on the island. The main character soon meets a few of his charges on the island. He meets a spoiled prince who calls him Lucky no matter what the player calls him. Lucky becomes the player’s name from then on and the player can’t do anything about it. Lucky’s job is then to lead tours usually with the prince involved. He must guide visitors to the island on tours and keep them safe.

Players take control of Lucky and his actions can make or break a tour. He must heal when necessary and can step in with guidance if the player deems it necessary. The player can simply let the guests do as they please, but they make might make stupid decisions. Even if they die of their own volition, they will be bummed and Lucky could lose out on some bonuses. Players will watch battles unfold and help when they see fit. It’s nice to simply watch the battle go on as if the party is set upright, the player may not have to lift a finger. They will fight through waves of enemies, with an occasional scene here and there, before facing a boss. The bosses are usually just larger versions of the enemies faced but some special ones are depending on the story. It’s interesting finding out what boss is coming up next and taking them down.

The game can move rather fast in battles but it does sometimes drag in between. When there isn’t a hilarious scene, the player will watch Lucky trudge a little slow down the map. Players will consistently see this map, so be aware the transition between battles isn’t as fast as it could be. It just simply takes more time than necessary, and that bothers me. Though the scenes between the characters make these moments shine. Players can readily grind in this game which might come in handy. While there are story missions that push things along players can grind for as long as they wish before taking them on. They tell the player the suggested level so it is up to the player to make that call. Once the player goes on the story mission the game moves forward a day and sometimes new things are added.

Lucky can explore the island and do some shopping. The island’s currency is Starfish, and he will accrue a good amount through his work. These Starfish are needed to buy weapons for the heroes to be, healing items, and even summons. Players will want to be ever vigilant and stock up on necessary items. There are many weapons in this game, and they can break during any battle. While they can be repaired somewhat in the dungeons, players will need to keep a good stock of them. It can be annoying but grinding can help with keeping up the necessary funds. The weapons get stronger as Lucky moves through the story, and he will want to outfit his friends with the best items possible.

This game also has summons which I thought was pretty great. As players beat down enemies they will gain access to summon orbs which can be used to summon the enemies to battle. These enemies each have their power and it is up to Lucky to choose the right powers for the fight. Each orb is one-time use but they are rather cheap so it’s okay. As players explore the island, they will also learn more about the people coming to the island. This is where players will pick up the quests they’ve earned. Other characters will offer witty banter, and humorous lines too. This game is nothing if not a funny RPG and that is a plus in my book. There are many odd characters to meet and Lucky will want to chat with anyone he comes across.

As players battle, they will also pick up items that Lucky can use to decorate his house. In my playthrough, I always gave the items to Lucky before gifting them to the other heroes. These items can have low drop rates so to get them all players might have to grind. These items are special though and will raise the hero’s happiness. By raising their happiness, Lucky will be in line for more bonuses. His boss will give him more money, and he can unlock special story missions with his new friends. Yes, all of the characters become his friends as they continue to go on tours with him. These story missions are really where the game shines, as the player learns more about each of the guests.

This game is filled with strange characters with odd backstories. It’s great fun leveling them up and learning about them. They all have reasons for wanting to go to this crazy island, and its fun learning the exact reason why. Though honestly, an RPG theme park sounds like one of the most amazing ideas to me personally. There’s even a dog that joins the party, and who doesn’t like a dog who is also a prince? The writing in this game is also top notch, with humor, references and wit abound. I haven’t laughed playing a game in a while, but this game filled with me with some decent chuckles. It’s great to see a game filled with jokes and game-based gags. I enjoyed reading what nonsense the characters came up with. Though the otter jokes do get a little grating after a while. The music is also pretty great and I enjoyed listening to it as I played the game. The battle music isn’t too bad either and the player will appreciate that as they will hear it often. The music fits well with the energy of the game and the battle music fits the RPG energy of it all.

Heroland is a quirky fun game, that takes the players to a place many of whom would like to visit. It casts a nobody as a hero and makes him become something better. While he might start as a temp, he soon makes the place his home and becomes better for it. Heroland becomes something better because of Lucky, and he realizes how great he can be. There are loads of guests to take to battle, will the player help Lucky lead them safely?


Disclaimer: A review key was provided