Wata Games has been a controversial entity in gaming for some time now. The company has been accused of colluding to create a bubble in the retro games market and inflate the prices of classic games in order to make a profit. A summary of events can be seen from Karl Jobst here and here, and many have called for action against the company. It seems now that something is being done according to a group purporting to be a law firm preparing a class action suit.

The details were made known on Reddit, where a poster claiming to be from the law firm began asking for named plaintiffs to come forward and join the suit The post notes that “In order to be a Named Plaintiff you would have had to have sent a game in for grading with Wata Games, Inc. within the last two years and not received it back in the window estimated by Wata Games.” the suit will be going after Wata for unfair business practices, RICO violations, and fraudulent behaviour.

The full Reddit post can be seen here, and it will be interesting to see where this goes. This has been commented on by Pat The NES Punk, who has also been following the Wata scandal, which may lend some credibility to the claims in the Reddit post