HAMSTER has announced that the next Arcade Archives game will be the Namco classic Assault

From Wikipedia

Controlling a caterpillar-tread tank, the player is tasked with completing each of the game’s eleven stages by destroying enemies and avoiding projectiles. Similar to Battlezone (1980), the game features a twin-stick control scheme, where pushing the joysticks forward will cause the tank to move forward and pushing them backwards will make it reverse direction. Turning is done by moving only one joystick forward. Pushing both joysticks left or right will flip the tank over, which can allow the player to move through narrow spots. Pushing both joysticks away from each other will allow the player to do a Power Wheelie, which will allow it to fire powerful grenades at enemies.

It is unclear if this will include Assault Plus, the updated re-release.

Arcade Archives Assault will release on PS4 and Switch on Sept 29, 2022.