HAMSTER has announced that the Tecmo title Toukidenshou Angel Eyes will be released on Switch And PS4.

Per Wikipedia

T?kidensh? Angel Eyes is a two-dimensional fighting game, featuring an all female cast. The original arcade game features eight playable characters with a wide array of character designs. Characters in the game include a biker girl, a volleyball player, a girl in a Japanese school uniform, a ninja girl, and one who uses a stuffed teddy bear to fight.

Attacks include standard punches and kicks as seen in many fighting games, but also includes special moves, and special techniques/ Unique to the game however, is a system called “reverse combo correction” by fans and one of the planners who is inexperienced in fighting games. In a typical fighting game, as combo attacks are chained together, the damage decreases. However, in this game, the damage actually increases as the combo is chained. This results in each characters being able to carry out combos that instantly kill the opponent. Another feature is “homing jumps”, which are special jumps which thrust you into your opponent. Game modes in the PlayStation port include “Arcade mode”, “VS mode”, “training mode”, and “story mode”.

Arcade Archives Toukidenshou Angel Eyes will release on October 20, 2022.