Steamworld Quest is a new game in the Steamworld series with a delightful RPG style. Steamworld Quest is all about saving the day with cards and a plucky group of heroes. These heroes are led by the intrepid adventurer Armilly.

Armilly is a girl with a good head on her shoulders, but one that might be a little foolhardy. It’s often hard to know what to expect from her. She might not think clearly sometimes and will jump into combat anytime. Armilly just wants to prove to everyone that she can save the day and with a good player by her side, she is sure to save the world.

There are many characters to talk to, each with their own quirks. It’s good to make note of these characters and to see that some might not have her interests at heart. Armilly might trust everyone but is it a good thing to trust all you meet?

Steamworld Quest is first and foremost an RPG. Players will take down enemies and quest a vast world in RPG style. Players can even initiate battles right on the field by swinging at foes without being detected. Even if the enemy spots the player with a well-timed swing they will take some extra damage.

The heroes will level up and gain new abilities as they do. I am a fan of the classic level up system without the need for skill trees. This game does have its own system of changing skills which I will go over in a moment. But this ragtag group of heroes will slowly but surely become legendary warriors.

Enemies in this game do level with the player though. So this isn’t a game where grinding is necessary. I was playing a good deal, just to learn how to play and thought I overleveled, it turns out the enemies just matched me. Certainly makes the game a bit more balanced to simply battle and move on. Though I still had fun even though I was higher-leveled, it took a little more time to take down some later bosses.

Players will need to build proper decks to take down their opponents. Yes, this game is actually a deck battling game similar in nature to Kingdom Hearts Chain of Memories. This playstyle makes things a little more difficult to win easily as the enemies aren’t pulling any punches.

There are over 100 different cards for players to use in this game. Each corresponds to a different hero, and when used together can offer up special attacks. These attacks make combos all the more important, but players can play however they like. These punchcards can heal, protect, and attack enemies. It is always great finding more because sometimes their effects are just so interesting. It really makes the player want to collect them all and that is a great thing.

Players can find cards as they explore or even buy them in the store. They can upgrade their cards and make them stronger too. There is always a need to fix up the character’s decks as enemies will consistently pull new punches. The deck building system if used right will assure victory, but players might need to try a few different strategies.

The characters travel in this game through different chapters. As they head through the chapters they walk through nice maps. These maps are easy to navigate and once players have finished a chapter they can always go back to find loot. This game offers up a nice percentage meter for every level so players should use that to their advantage.

This game is filled with random encounters and different goodies to find along the path. Players will find quest items too from time to time. It is a good idea to look through every area to find everything as all the items are worth picking up. Don’t leave a single area unlooked at unless some terrifying beast blocks the way.

This game is humorous as all get out, as are most of the Steamworld games. The writing is quickwitted and well written, making the characters seem real. For robots, Steamworld characters are far more lively than they ought to be. In a world where only robots exist though, true emotion is certainly welcome.

The art style of the game is beautifully hand-drawn. The characters are all so vividly emotional despite being robotic. It’s a wonder to see such emotion on faces that one wouldn’t expect to see any emotion on. The world is frightening at times but oh so natural. It is great seeing these robotic heroes tromping around a beautiful medieval landscape.

The music is top notch and adds to the serenity of it all when players aren’t battling. I also enjoy the battle music which adds just enough energy to make battles feel fun and fresh each time. In an RPG one has to make battle music lively as players will have to listen to this every time battle starts.

Steamworld Quest is a proper steampunk RPG and one that definitely is worth picking up. Even if someone hasn’t played any Steamworld games, they are sure to enjoy this adventure. With a great cast of characters and solid humor, this game is worth playing. Armilly is on a quest and she’s going to need some help, is the player up to the task?

Disclaimer: A review key was provided