99Vidas is a great game, I have mentioned that in my previous reviews of the PC and PS4 versions, and now the brawler has come to Switch. The game, based on a popular Brazilian podcast, is a great throwback to the classic bruisers of the past, and rather than just repeating myself from my previous reviews of the game, I will instead focus on what is new in the Switch version.

First, I need to get the bad out of the way. I have repeatedly encountered a glitch with this game where it will not recognize my Joy Cons. I end up having to detach the Joy Cons to get the game to recognize them, then reattach them when in portable mode. I have informed QUByte about this issue, and they said they will investigate the matter.

Now for the good parts. Everything you loved about the previous versions is here. The excellent artwork, the fun combo based action, and the music that acts as a gateway drug to bliss. 99Vidas the Game has references to some of the best beat em ups of the past, like Double Dragon and Streets of Rage 2, but doesn’t rely on these tributes and instead creates a fun experience in its own right. You learn new combos for more action, via stores like in classics such as River City Ransom, and the game also takes some cues from fan favourite Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World: The Game, while still finding its own voice in the process. The result is a beat em up that stands out from the rest.

On Nintendo Switch, the developers added new enemies and bosses, new levels, and skins and more. I loved the addition of a pure arcade mode, and the remix mode was also welcome. Both add to the replayablilty, by cutting straight to the chase. Arcade mode  is nonstop action, and Remix mode changes up the stage layout every time you play. The result is a fun experience that you can just keep going back to again and again and never get bored of it.

Admittedly, I didn’t get much of the humor or the in jokes as I am not familiar with the podcast ( though I am familiar with Izzy Nobre due to his English language youtube channel), but that didn’t hinder my enjoyment of the game. Tough enemies, a good challenge and developers who understand what makes the beat em up genre great, combine to give us a truly excellent experience. The best part is taking it on the go, and once the Joy Con issue is resolved, this will be the best brawler yet for the system. I highly recommend it.


Disclaimer: A review key was provided.