Trailblazers is a strange racing game that combines high octane racing and painting. Players race around a track painting the course to help win the race. As players color the raceway, the other racers will too. It’s a strange way to do things but adds to the racing formula. This game might not be like other racers, but players are sure to enjoy paint-racing! Trailblazers takes place out in space, where weird characters live and exist. The racers are all out for glory and will take on any challenger. This game is different because painting is what gives the player boosts. By painting in the first lap, players can guide themself to victory. Travel over the player’s color to speed up and dash ever closer to the finish line.

The game does also offers up a story mode. The story mode tells of the character the player selects. Leading the player through multiple races as they go for gold. Story modes aren’t necessary for racing games, but they are always a surprise. It’s a needed change of pace sometimes to delve into a story, instead of racing to win. The characters in this game are all eccentric. As they are aliens, they usually don’t look like humans. I’m a big fan of Boo and his Dad, a pair of space frogs that don’t get along. Boo might be futuristic in design, but his dad is a simple monk. It’s this kind of character work that makes me smile.

There are multiple game modes including, 3 on 3, partner races, and more. Players can take on a variety of races styles to see if they can become the best racer in space. The game is great to play with AI or multiplayer, as no race is ever the same. Players will always have a different route to victory because the paint trails always change. Playing split-screen offers up more difficult as it can be hard seeing where the paint trails are. But playing with friends is sure to be fun for all involved. There is something about playing this game, teaming up to paint that makes it so thrilling. I’m not much of a fan of split-screen, but I think teaming up to paint the track is far more fun than playing solo.

On the Nintendo Switch, players even get a little more content. Players can play as a new character and drive in a new car. They can also jump straight into tournaments to win the gold if they don’t want to play the story. While it’s not a lot of exclusive content, it is nice to see consoles getting some freebies sometimes. The game itself is vibrant, and the worlds are unique. Players will race through swamps and deserts, and caves will become tracks too. They will zip through different locales painting the ground and making every area a bit brighter. The worlds might be a little dull, but by the end of every race, they are turned upside down by the splashes of color.

Trailblazers blazes a fresh trail to glory, and I find it to be quite exhilarating. I’m not the biggest fan of racing games, but the added paint mechanic makes this one fresh. The characters are also just zany enough that I enjoyed seeing what they had to offer. While it may not be as highly polished as others of its ilk, it is worth picking up. There’s a race in space that’s about to start, will the player paint their way to victory?


Disclaimer: A review key was provided