Blizzard sent out the following

Let’s break it down! Summer Games is back in 2019, and we’re kicking it off with a new event feature, Weekly Challenges. In addition to the new rewards you’ll be able to earn, your favorite cosmetic unlocks from years past will be available, giving you a chance to catch up on rewards you may have missed. Login from July 16 through August 5 to get in on the Summer Games fun!

  • Weekly Challenges introduce a new way for players to unlock limited-time rewards every week for playing Overwatch.
  • 9 wins in Quick Play, Competitive Play, or the Arcade grant players limited-time sprays, player icons, and an epic skin on top of standard earnings normally received for playing Overwatch.
  • Once the week’s challenge has expired, the rewards will be replaced by a new set of sprays and icons, along with a new epic skin for the new week.
  • This year’s Summer Games includes 4 new Legendary skins and 3 new Epic skins.
  • New cosmetics also include 1 highlight intro, 2 emotes, 3 victory poses, 9 new player icons and 2 new sprays.