Call of Duty has been through a lot lately, with many ups and downs. From experimenting with new techniques, to embracing Battle Royale modes, the series has done a lot. Now Call of Duty is going back to basics with Call of Duty Modern Warfare. No more gimmicks this time around, just a pure gameplay experience and just the way we like it.

To begin, I want to discuss the campaign mode. The multiplayer is the focus of the game of course, but the campaign is a standout this year. While the story may be a bit controversial to some, the overall level design and gameplay are some of the best on modern systems. Modern Warfare has some truly amazing levels that offer a lot of variety. This is far from just run and shoot, but shows a lot of creative flair. There are surprises galore, and some of the best gunplay this author has seen yet. Factor in the amazing graphics, and gun physics that feel like they have real weight to them, and you have one of the best games in the series. With a well woven narrative, Modern Warfare really tries to show that its single player is just as amazing as its multiplayer experience can be.

The campaign will only last about five hours, but that is a perfect amount for the amount of overall content in the game itself when you factor in multiplayer. The campaign has some amazing characters as well, and those following the recent news will see the developers took inspiration from current events as well. There is replay value here though, as choices you make in the campaign do affect the outcome of the story. As such, you may want to experience the campaign progression a number of ways. This is not even taking into account that some levels can be played in different ways, such as stealth or going all out guns blazing.

This is a true cinematic story mode and doesn’t pull punches. While it may not be on the level of something like DOOM, it is far above recent entries in the Call of Duty franchise, and shows just how amazing the campaign can be when given the right attention. The twists in both the story and gameplay will keep you engaged, and excite you in all the right ways. My hat is off to the developers here, as they truly knocked it out of the park with this one.

Now onto the multiplayer. This author may not be the biggest Call of Duty Player in the world, but can appreciate a good multiplayer experience.  first off, we have the typical modes of team deathmatch, capture and so on, so fans of those modes will not be left out. There is a new mode called Realism that turns off monitoring of teammates and enemies and makes shot location a lot deadlier. This to botht o give challenge to the online modes and to give everything a sense of realism (hence the name). Its a great addition and really does add some nice variety.

Other modes include Gunfight Only and Ground War. Gunfight Only is a n intimate battle that  gives you random guns and puts you up against two others in a closed space fight. Its a great close combat mnode and does offer a ton of fun in how you interact with your opponents. It even throws you for a loop sometimes via the weapons you are given, which can put you at a major advantage or disadvantage.  Its great for a change of pace, when you want something different. Ground War on the other hand really opens up the playfield and gives you plenty of places to hide and surprise your enemies. Buildings are a lot bigger and the overall fight feels a lot more epic as a result. There is also night ops mode, but this author did not really check it out and so cannot comment on it.

Overall. Modern Warfare is a wonderful return to form for the series and a good entry point for anyone to Call of Duty. Recommended.


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