A Good Tentacle Is Hard To Find: The Call of Cthulhu Review (Xbox One, PC, PS4)
I’m a long-time fan of H.P. Lovecraft, so it’s hard for me to even remember that most people haven’t even…
Reviews for Games and content appearing on the PlayStation 3 console.
I’m a long-time fan of H.P. Lovecraft, so it’s hard for me to even remember that most people haven’t even…
Ever since I played the original season of The Walking Dead from Telltale I was hooked on narrative games. With their tragic…
JJ Macfield is an ordinary girl, one that seems to be existing at the end of the world. After…
There aren’t a whole lot of games where you can play a badass archer that takes out your foes exclusively…
Hyper Sentinel is a game that delivers a throwback to shoot em ups on the ZX Spectrum and Commodore 64,…
Fast Striker is an pleasant surprise. For those of you unacquainted with NG:DEV TEAM, they’re a German game developer…
The Road to Ballhalla is long and has many curves, but that’s okay because you’re a brave, mighty ball and you’ll…
Have you ever wanted to start your own construction business? Have you ever wondered how much effort goes into merely…
Disgaea is an amazing series. While there have been many turn based strategy RPGs over the years, the Disgaea games…
I’ve played a lot of Metroid-style games in my time. Ever since Metroid and Super Metroid, the occasional game…