Puzzle and Dragons is a celebrated puzzle game. When I first saw that Puzzle and Dragons Gold was coming to Switch, I was excited. When I booted up the game, I did learn that I was sadly mistaken. Puzzle and Dragons Gold might be in the same vein as the others in its series but is also completely different. Mostly in part, to being connected to an anime series that plays out similar to many before it. The player should first check out the Puzzle and Dragons Academy. While the mobile game isn’t too hard, this version changes things up. It is going to test the player and won’t hold back. I lost a few times playing like I would for any other version of the game. This game is a versus match against as a computer that will rip the player apart and spit them out in seconds flat.

This game is usually quite tame, so I wasn’t expecting to lose so quickly. I did end using the Puzzle and Dragons Academy, and while it did help, I still ended up struggling. I don’t understand why a game like Puzzle and Dragons Gold would be so hard, but then again, I never watched the show, so I didn’t have that energy behind me. I believe if I were younger and saw the show, I’d be able to clear the game out of sheer emulation of the character. The game does have a story mode, two of them, one for a young boy named Taiga, who dreams of owning a Takoyaki Shop. The other story is lead by Ryuji, who lives in the shadow of his pro gamer brother. Each of these young kids wants nothing more than to win, and become the Puzzle and Dragons champion. It’s stories like these that resonate with the nerdy kid in me and make me continue to enjoy anime like this.

Players will battle through different opponents, depending on which story they follow. They will take on opponents with monsters, who have multiple abilities. Players will have to craft their teams wisely and plan for the battles ahead. Again, these battles are often harder than they should be, and it’s crazy how quickly they can end in defeat. The battles last eight rounds and are quick. Players can activate special abilities before each turn to push them closer to victory, with healing or even changing the symbol type. The game is speedy and gives players a few seconds to match symbols before showing off the attack phase. Players will earn Rainbow orbs while playing matches; they can use them to buy new characters with fully stocked teams. Or they can use them to use the Egg Machine to buy a chance at winning a good support monster. Players can use the orbs as they please, though, so no answer is a wrong answer.

When players are playing the game, it will show off the leader monster in 3D. The 3D monsters often look cooler in 3D than in 2D. Players can pick this monster from a select group, and they will each have advantages and disadvantages. Players will need to think before they select a leader, so think hard about the decision. Players can craft teams of monsters to battle alongside or pick from pre-made teams. The pre-made teams are great for beginners as they can jump into battle. But, as players play the game, they will find monsters they like. They can use whichever monsters really, as long as they are strategic in their puzzling. This game also gives the player the ability to play with players online or locally. Sometimes playing a puzzle game with friends can be a ton of fun. Online battles will likely be harder than the in-game battles, so tread lightly. This game isn’t going to hold anyone’s hand, so make sure to practice before trying out online mode!

Puzzle and Dragons Gold is a Puzzle and Dragons game but, it’s just not the same. It relies heavily on players knowing the anime, and having the grit to win. For whatever reason, I couldn’t get into it, but I’m sure fans of the series will like it. This game is far more challenging than others I’ve played in the series, but it’s pretty intense, so I must give it props. Taiga and Ryuji both want to be at the top, who will the player lead to victory?


Disclaimer: A review key was provided