When a concept becomes successful, many others will try to follow-up on that idea. Star Wars inspired numerous other sci-fi franchises for instance, so it makes sense that games such as One Finger Death0. Punch would do the same. However, a game being inspired by another game is not necessarily a sign of a bad experience at all. With Kawaii Death Desu, we have a new take on the concept that manages to stand out in a sea of imitators. Pippin Games took a basic concept and ran with it by adding in some anime-esque themes and paper thin plot that really only serves to get things moving and is not really needed to be honest. In that way, the plot does its job perfectly and doesn’t get in the way of the game, leaving you to enjoy the experience.

Kawaii Deathu Desu sees you play as one of several supernatural idol singers trying to reap as many souls as possible. The controls are basic one button moves to attack enemies on either side, but it is the presentation that is what matters here. The game has a nice idol singer aesthetic and it fits the offbeat nature of the game very well. Enemies will rush on stage to attack and you must attack right and left in order to defeat them and clear the stage. It sounds simple, but you will get overwhelmed easily at times.

There is a surprisingly large amount of variety here, including new stages and new characters to unlock. The more you play, the more things will change up and give you more to do with the same basic premise. Enemies will constantly change their attack patterns each level, and you will not be able to keep reusing the same strategy. I won’t lie, in that the gameplay does only a bit to differentiate itself. Instead, the game makes heavy use of its presentation values to make the game appeal to players. This is not a bad idea at all, as it helps Kawaii Deathu Desu stand out more and allow its own charms to be discovered. The game has amazing music and the visuals look great, so there is definitely a good package here.


Bottom line: Kawaii Deathu Desu doesn’t do anything new in terms of gameplay, but manages to exceed at what it does do. For those wanting some fast paced hack n slash, you could do far worse than this.


Disclaimer: A review key was provided