Digital Foundry has taken a look at the Switch version of Doom Eternal and how it runs on a technical level.

Here’s is what they found


– Average resolution comparable to Doom 2016 despite the increase in visual complexity
– Higher pixel count than Wolfenstein II on Switch
– Maxes out at 720p when docked, but can dip to just below 540p when taxed
– 600p is the ceiling in portable mode but can drop to 360p
– Overall scene complexity, lighting, and effects are intact
– Texture detail reduced on Switch, though the reduction varies
– Most commonly viewed textures have a higher resolution appearance while smaller flourishes are blurrier
– Per object motion blur and other post-processing effects removed on Switch
– No depth of field when performing a glory kill
– More aggressive LODs in certain areas and lower precision volumetric effects
– Particles removed somewhat on Switch
– Digital Foundry noticed vertical lines that can be seen which may be an artifact of the dynamic resolution scaling system
– Density and complexity of maps retained on Switch
– Animation quality also remains
– Maintains 30 frames per second most of the time when docked
– Portable performance fairly comparable to docked, but there’s an increase in frame pacing issues
– Cutscenes in portable mode capped at 20 FPS with bad frame pacing



You can see our review of the game here