With a new Smash Bros Announced for Nintendo Switch, fans will no doubt love speculating which characters will make it in. Many people have made their own lists of whom they would like to see in the new Smash Bros, but many of these lists have an abundance of third party characters. While I am not opposed in any way to third party characters appearing in Smash, I feel there are many Nintendo owned characters who still need to make it in. After an intense debate, I settled on the following ten characters who deserve to be in the new game.




WarioWare’s resident little witch has appeared in Smash already, but only as an assist trophy. It is high time Ashley got a chance to show what she can do in an actual fight. Her moveset would be based on her appearances in the WarioWare series, and also make use of some unusual ideas for smash. She would play differently than most others due to how her magic works, and this provides some great opportunities to mix things up and bring something new to the table.



Impa is an essential part of the Zelda series, much like Zelda, Link and Ganondorf. She plays a role in most games now, but doesn’t have a set appearance and instead varies wildly from game to game. There is however, a perfect version to use in Smash and that is the Impa from Hyrule Warriors. Her moveset can be taken straight from that game and adapted to Smash to create a ninja style character that is all about speed and offense. Her final smash could be one of her specials from Hyrule Warriors, and she could also have references to her appearances in other Zelda games


Hyrule Warriors Ganondorf


Ganondorf has been a part of Smash Bros since Melee but there is an issue. He is a moveset clone of Captain Falcon, and has remained as such even with attempts to change him up with custom moves in Smash 4. Ganondorf needs to be made more unique and once more we turn to Hyrule Warriors for inspiration. Ganondorf as depicted in that game was different and was extremely well received. Not only did he have a great new appearance, but he had a distinctive set of abilities and attacks that would translate perfectly to Smash Bros. This would finally make Ganondord a unique character and make him different from Captain Falcon at last.




Fans of the Smash Bros series have wanted Wolf to return since he was dropped in Smash Bros 4. Wolf was a neat character, since he was not a full moveset clone and did have a unique feel to him. However, I feel a Star Fpx character that would be a better addition to the series would be Krystal. Krystal would be able to be fully differentiated from Fox and Falco, due to a heavier emphasis on up close melee attacks if we use her appearance in Star Fox Adventures, while retaining long range attacks common to the Star Fox characters. It would also be great to have more female characters in Smash, and Krystal would be a great choice. She is no damsel in distress, and is instead a badass fighter in her own right.


Min Min


Speaking of kickass female characters, Min Min is from Nintendo’s new IP arms and is one of the more popular characters. While Spring Man or Ribbon Girl are thought to be locks by fans, I feel Min Min would be better suited due to her moveset in Arms. She has more diverse moves than the other characters and Smash could make use of that, and her use of various martial arts would make her a fun character . Arms definitely will get a rep in Smash, and Min Min is a perfect choice.  As I said, she is a character the fans like, and definitely has a real character to her, more than Sprign Man and Ribbon Girl.




A new Pokémon representative, Decidueye is no stranger to fighting games. The character already appeared in Pokken Tournament from Bandai Namco, which would give the team behind Smash plenty to work with. Even if it was just adapting his moveset from Pokken, that would make for a great set of moves for Smash. Decidueye is a fan favourite and was already considered a top possibility for the next Smash Bros before his appearance in Pokken, and there is even more that can be done with him. A character that is good at long range or up close, Decidueye is the perfect Pokémon rep.


Balloon Fighter

This one may sound strange but there is a simple reason behind this choice. Balloon Fighter would be a character put in as a tribute to Satoru Iwata, who programmed the game originally. Iwata was a key figure in getting Melee done as well, Having Balloon Fighter on the roster would be a perfect way to pay tribute to Nintendo’s late CEO. A moveset could be based off some of the villager’s moves, since he does use a similar setup to Balloon Fighter in his recovery.


King K. Rool


One of the most requested characters for Smash, K Rool has so much potential as a character. In the first three Donkey Kong Country games as well as Doneky Kong 64, he changed up his appearance and persona in varied ways, all of which could contribute something major to the character in Smash. He could be a super heavyweight character like Bower but also have his gun from Diddy’s Kong Quest, gizmo’s from DKC 3 or his boxing skills from Donkey Kong 64. There are not enough villain characters in Smash Bros. and it is time that Donkey Kong’s Nemesis got his chance to join in the fun and to give the fans what they have been asking for.


Dillon is one of Nintendo’s newer characters but not many seem to pay attention to him for whatever reason. He could be one of the more unique characters in Smash, given how his games work, and his new game also brings in more potential for the character to have more weapons and other gadgets to aid him. Given how Sakurai has made some characters work when most thought they couldn’t, (such as villager), I think he could truly make Dillon a standout on the roster of Super Smash Bros. It would also be a way to give one of Nintendo’s newer characters his due.



captain syrup

It seems many do not remember Captain Syrup these days and that is a shame. She was Wario’s nemesis from the Wario Land series and always managed to get the better of the greedy Wario. Her moveset would of course take from her appearances in Wario land, but could also be used to pay tribute to that series more since Wario himself now seems to take more from the WarioWare series. She could also summon a minion to join her in the fight, to add in some varied gameplay. As with many of my other picks on this list, I feel adding her would be a great way to have more female characters in Smash and to also have more villains in the game. The captain has languished in obscurity for too long, and it is time she made her return.



But these are just my opinions. What do you all think? Let me know whom you want to see in the new Smash Bros.




Disclaimer: The above was the opinion of the author and not necessarily that of ROG or its staff.