When people think of Disney video games, there are many examples that come to mind, such as the Capcom classics on NES, or the classic Sega games. When it comes to RPGs, there is one name that stands out for Disney and that is Kingdom Hearts, but what if there was another RPG Disney could have?

While Disney comics are not as popular in North America as they once were, they are very popular internationally, especially in Italy. One such comic series is Wizards of Mickey, a fantasy series that sees Mickey team up with Goofy and Donald for a tournament of wizards before the story expands further. While there has been a mobile title based on the comic, the series is perfect for a big-budget console and PC RPG.

The series has the perfect setup for an RPG, with Mickey and friends trying to gather the magical items known as Diamagics that grant new abilities and dealing with the villainous teams and the machinations of the Phantom Blot. Each character would fit a niche perfectly for an RPG, such as Donald’s magic having a delayed-based effect, Goofy constantly trying out new jobs, and Clarabelle’s foresight. The Diamagics would also add new abilities and would help give the gameplay a neat twist.

The added bonus is that the later volumes of the comic actually change things up significantly, which would provide great material for sequels, such as new villains, giant mechs, and changes to the world in general. The comic even feels like it was a blueprint for an RPG with Mickey even levelling up his wizard status as he goes along, so the basis is there. This would not need to be a Kingdom Hearts-style RPG either and could be something completely separate for those who cannot get into Kingdom Hearts.

Other elements, such as Donald’s dragon Fafnir, stand out as original elements that helped make the comic feel original, and the dragons in the comic in general would be a great addition to any video game, especially with the events of later story arcs. As mentioned, later story arcs provide changes to the status quo, but a video game could also be a “best of” for the franchise, and highlight the best parts of the series. It would ideally start with the first arc as a basis, but the first half of the second arc would also fit or serve as a great story expansion for DLC.

Wizards of Mickey is a comic with a lot of creativity and Disney would be very wise to exploit that potential for a big-budget RPG. It could be something truly special and full of potential. With a blueprint in hand in the form of the comics, there is a surefire recipe for success here.