Warhammer 40, 000 has dabbled in multiple genres when it comes to video games. While most of its video game adaptations have been a form of strategy title whether turn based or real time, the series has also dabbled in action rpg and action games. Today I want to take a look at four genres that would be perfect for the franchise to try.


1) An Open World RPG:

The Warhammer franchise is absolutely ripe for an open world experience, and it is surprising that it has not happened yet. Such a game could take multiple forms, such as a space opera starring a rouge trader, a story that follows an inquisitor, or perhaps a cyberpunk themed game set on Necromunda. The Necromunda setting is perfect for such a game, and there are a number of ways the experience could be handled. You could play as an Inquisitor, a member of one of the noble houses, a hiver looking to rise up, a guardsman, or even a tech priest. There would be plenty of adventure to have and intrigue to discover, and only a portion of the planet need be covered, with more being possible as dlc.


2) Survival Horror FPS:

This idea would have the player take control of an an imperial guardsman and try to survive while faced with the horrors of the universe. This would be a good way to show off the grimdark nature Warhammer likes to present. Have the guardsman have to try and survive against the forces of chaos, the dark eldar, the orks, or even a tyranid invasion. The protagonist would be a bog standard guardsman, and not a Catachan fighter, actual Cadian shocktrooper, death corps. or Tallarn, but an ordinary soldier forced to endure and try their best to survive. The sheer horror of what they would have to face while trying not to die would be something special indeed.


3) Fighting Game Starring Mecha:

I previously argued for a fighting game based on Warhammer 40K but now realize there is another possibility than what I argued. Two major groups are the Imperial Knights, who can be compared to a Gundam, and the Titans, who are truly massive war mechs. Both the Imperium and Chaos have Knights, as does the Mechanicus, and a fighting game based on some Gundam Fighters like Mobile Suit Gundam: Extreme VS Maxi Boost On, could work, with Knights fighting each other in 3D arenas. Alternatively, the Titans could be used, as not only do the Imperium and Chaos have Titans, but so do the Eldar, Orks, Tau and even the Tyranids. This oculd play either like the 3D Godzilla arena fighters or also like the aforementioned Gundam game.



4) Musou/Dynasty Warriors style game:

Musou games are popular and a franchise like Warhammer 40K lends itself well there. You could play as multiple different factions, such as the various Space Marine chapters like Black Templars, Ultramarines, Blood Ravens and more. You could also have the Chaos Marines like the Black Legion, World Eaters, Thousand Sons and so on, and that is not even mentioning the various other factions that would fit as well. You could slaughter your way through thousands of Orks, or play as an Ork and go after Imperials or Tau. There are a lot of possibilities here and they would all work pretty well.


And there you have it. What kind of game genre would you like to see the franchise try? Let us know!