Warhammer 40 000 has been adapted into multiple forms, and the franchise has taken many forms when it comes to video games. From RTs to action games to RPGs, Warhammer has been represented  in unique ways, and here are 6 ideas for more ways the franchise can be explored in video games.



Space Marine 2

Warhammer 40 000 Space marine was an amazing Gears of War style action game telling the story of Captain Titus of the Ultramarines. The game was acclaimed by fans, but there were some shortcomings due to the design philosophy of the era it was made in. The game was intended to be followed up with sequels but that did not come to be due to THQ’s bankruptcy. But Relic Entertainment has since been acquired by Sega and have even released more 40K games with Dawn of War III ( the less said about that entry though, the better), and Sega has continued to distribute and maintain Space Marine on PC and have even added their own logo. Space Marine 2 could still happen, and with advances in modern game design, Captain Titus can continue his saga and give players the game they want.


City Builder Game


A major part of the world of 40K is the concept of the hive cities. Massive cities that are built in layers, with the elite living in the upper sections and the poor in the underhives where crime is rampant. Imagine a game where you can design your own hive city from the (under)ground up and manage each part. You will need to factor in invasions from Genestealer cults, underhive gangs and more, while keeping citizens from rebelling and also maintaining a defense force. How the hive would grow would be up to you, and playing things right would lead to more hive cities being designed as the population grows.


Combat Racing Game


This may sound strange but hear me out. The White Scars are a chapter of the Space Marines known for their love of going fast, using hit and run tactics and ultra rapid deployment while using bikes. The dark Eldar are known rivals of the White Scars and also use lighting fast hit and run tactics with fast vehicles, while the Orks believe red vehicles go faster and their psychic gestalt makes red vehicles go faster, which is good for their hit and run movements. Imagine a combat racing game where these three factions would murder race each other as a form of battle. This would be done firmly tongue in cheek, but would not doubt be a fun experience.


Total War Warhammer 40 000


Warhammer Fantasy has seen an adaptation in the Total War series, and fans have been clamoring for a release of a 40K version of Total War. A nice mix of Turn Based Strategy and Real Time Strategy, the Total War franchise is one of the most acclaimed Strategy series in all of gaming. While we have seen great X-Com style strategy games with Mechanicus, and Real Time Strategy with the Dawn of War games, adapting 40K to the Total War formula would be an ideal way to fully realize the potential of the tabletop game. There is potential for multiple expansions as well, and multiple factions to be playable, such as the Orks, Chaos, Imperium, Eldar, Tau and even Tyranids, fans of the franchise could have so much to appreciate.


Soulslike Game Featuring Chaos


This may be a bit of an unusual idea, but again hear me out.; Imagine a Dark Souls like game in the 40K universe, where you are a chaos cultist or chaos Space Marine and must dedicate yourself to one of the chaos gods. You would face enormous challenges and slay foes to earn the favor of your god and make offerings to them, all in the hopes of gaining ascension to daemonhood yourself. You would fight the forces of the other gods, the Imperium, Eldar and more, while making sure your own corruption is at safe levels, lest you become a chaos spawn. You would slowly gain new abilities thanks to your patron deity, but a wrong move could earn their wrath.


Doom style FPS Starring Grey Knights Or Exorcists


The Grey Knights are an elite space marine force using geneseed derived from the Emperor of Mankind himself, while the Exorcists are their only known successor chapter. Both chapters of space marines specialize in fighting daemons, and the Grey Knights are all extremely powerful psykers, wielding immense warp based powers, while the Exorcists allow themselves to be possessed then banish the daemons to gain immunity. The ideal game for them would be letting the Grey Knights and exorcists do what they do best and go all out in first person action against Daemons of various kinds, utilizing the best weapons they have. The Grey Knights could also use their psychic powers in a variety of ways to help themselves over the course of the game, and take out as many enemies as possible.


And there we have our first list. We are planning more lists like this to cover potential 40K games, so let us know what games you want to see the franchise try.