Last week Nintendo teased a new gaming experience. All we saw was a ring being used in some form, which indicated this was a fitness game. A fitness game is nothing new for Nintendo and this isn’t the first they did on Switch, as they have released Fitness Boxing last year, but this one is a bit different. Ring Fit Adventure is a fitness game that is also a turn based JRPG. That sounds bizarre at first, but it soon makes sense. Nintendo is all about innovation and creativity and this is a perfect touch of the Nintendo charm added to the Wii Fit formula.

The RPG doesn’t necessarily look aimed at hardcore RPG fans, but that isn’t the point. This is a full on adventure rpg controlled via fitness movements, from walking through the world to guarding against enemy attacks and attacking enemies, everything is done via exercise. I loved Fitness Boxing as I discussed in my review, but Ring Fit Adventure tries something else. While fitness boxing was a music based boxing workout game and has a specific audience, Ring Fit Adventure is aiming for a wider audience, and aims to do what many have desired to do; make workouts fun.

Adding in a full RPG adventure is a brilliant move because it broadens the appeal of the game, and can get people interested even if they are not typically into workout games. The video presentation made it clear that this is a game for everyone, even if they are just a beginner to exercise routines. It is a great entry point and is being done with extreme creativity. The world looks fully realized and the trailer alone made me eager to try it because it looks like a good way to get in both play a cool JRPG and get healthier at the same time ( not to mention that it releases on my birthday). I am serious about fitness due to wanting to be healthy and I have a hard time sticking to many workouts due to them feeling too monotonous and not stimulating enough. Ring Fit Adventure sounds almost tailor made for people like me who need something more to engage them as they exercise, and I am happy that Nintendo sees that niche to fill.

But for people who may want a fitness game without needing to play a full RPG at the same time, or want to continue playing after beating the story, there is a workout mode more typical of Wii Fit as well. It is tailored to the game’s unique quirkiness, as is the minigame exercise mode, so no one is left out with this game. It is a great step forward for exercise games and something to keep and eye on if you are curious about getting more fit. The video introduction shows a beautiful marriage of gaming and exercising, so lets hope the game lives up to this promise.