UTV Ignition’s El-Shaddai: Ascension of the Metatron is one of the most closely-watched under-the-radar titles of the year. Developed by Takeyasu Sawaki, a former character designer for Capcom who worked on Devil May Cry and Okami, it is one of the most stunning-looking games to come out of Japan in recent years. Today, Ignition has finally announced a North American release date for the anticipated action RPG: July 26, 2011.
Based on a non-canonical text of the Old Testament, the Book of Enoch, El-Shaddai is set in the period before the Great Flood. A group of angels charged with watching over the human race has rebelled against Heaven, and God has decided to purge the Earth of the rebellion by flooding it. You are a human named Enoch, the last hope for the human race, on a mission to capture the renegade angels in an effort to avert the Great Flood.
The US release date was announced in the trailer seen here.
El-Shaddai will be available on both PS3 and Xbox 360.
…and preview download is available today! I can hardly wait to see it played.